Chapter 33

A/N: Hello! I know how long it has been since I last updated and I greatly appreciate everyone who has been patiently waiting for this so I won't make this long, enjoy and happy reading! Follow me on Twitter @mishachrisal for updates on my next chapter uploads. See you there!

Veronica's not even known her for a day but she already knows that this old woman in front of her is used to getting things her way. Not giving her the time to think and decide, Cedric's grandmother most elegantly pulls her toward a stone path that she guessed would lead them to her garden.

She made a quick look at the back and saw Cedric following a few steps behind them. As much as she wants to beg him for help, his grandmother's attention was all on her hence not giving her enough time to do it. Not that she has the guts to do it anyway too.

"Have we met before?" the old woman starts and Veronica earnestly shakes her head. "No, I believe this is the first time." She quickly replies as they continued walking.

"I see..." his grandmother trails off.

"So tell me your name," the old woman says and her voice, although it seemed to sound stern before, it has now mellowed a bit that her tone now resembled that of concern and warmth like her mom's. And that obviously changed the mood and helped Veronica calm down a little.

"It's Veronica," she says while awkwardly clearing her throat. What should she call her? Shit, she totally forgot to ask Cedric. "-ma'am..."

The old woman let out a graceful laugh, slightly covering her mouth with her hand. "You can drop the formalities, dear. After all, we're going to be family soon." She says as soon as she recovers. "I'm Beatrice but you may call me 'gran' just like Cedric does, okay?"

Veronica compliantly nods her head, "Okay...gran."

Gran lets out another hearty smile before taking the hand of her soon-to-be granddaughter-in-law to give it a light tap. "Much better."

The path to the garden comprised the pleasant view of the decorative pond surrounded by various trees and bushes while the sweet smell of fresh flowers wafts through Veronica's nose. Birds flutter all over the stone birdbath and butterflies hover across flower petals to another.

"This is amazing." The words unconsciously came out of her mouth without her realizing it.

"I'm glad you like this. But wait till you see my garden." Gran proudly tells her.

"Is this not your garden?"

Gran chuckles as if Veronica just cracked a joke. "Oh no, dear. This is the estate garden. The mansion staff takes care of everything you see here. My garden is over there," she says pointing at a greenhouse dome. "I grow every little flower you'll see inside."

From afar, the greenhouse dome seemed made out of crystals that came straight out of a storybook but once inside, the crystal-like structure was actually made of clear glass. Red Rose vines climbed the glass, enfolding both the walls and lattice trellis surrounding a circular stone patio where a wooden swing chair and a small angel fountain stood at the center. The garden outside already impressed the soul out of Veronica, but gran's greenhouse garden gave her the fairytale feels. It seemed like any moment now, tiny fairies will come out to fly and greet her.


She nods her head while still looking around. "It's beautiful."

"Thank you. You seem to appreciate these things as much. Do you perhaps also like gardening?" Gran proceeded to walk toward a small cabinet-like tool shed, took out a spray, walk to one of the flower bushes, and began spraying water on the delicate flower petals.

"Kind of? I can grow healthy lettuces..."

Gran turned to her with wide eyes before letting out a cheerful laugh, "That's remarkable. I'd love to try the food you grow next time."

"Of course. I'll buy a plant pot and grow some at my apartment this week."

"I'll look forward to that." Gran answers back, her tone kind and genuine that Veronica can't help but look forward to planting lettuce.

She made a mental list of what she needs to buy before going back to April when gran's question ends her trail of thought. "Have you decided on a date for your wedding?" she asks her while still carefully watering the blue rose bush.

"We uh..." her words drag on as she thinks of a way to get past gran's question. She glances behind her and thank the heavens that Cedric is still there, watching their backs intently as if he's ready to jump and rescue her anytime. Good job, boss!

Their gazes meet and as he notices the panic began to set on Veronica's eyes, his expression changes and a questioning look falls on his face. What? he mouths at her.

Wedding date, she mouths back.

"Veronica?" Gran calls her and Veronica couldn't have turned in record time.


"The wedding date?" gran asks again and this time Veronica is deliberating if she's to lie in front of the old woman's face or just avoid it and pretend to faint. Sure, fainting may not be the best option right now but that's the only thing she could think of.


"Are you okay, dear? You've turned pale."

Is she? Okay, maybe she doesn't have to pretend to faint after all...

Strong arms went around her shoulders for support before she felt lightheaded. "Fred says that the food is ready." A familiar voice tells them and Veronica couldn't be thankful enough for that save.

Gran puts the spray down on some nearby basket and dusted off some invisible dust on her dress. "Shall we?" she tells the young couple as she too prepares to head out of the greenhouse.


"I hope the food's to your liking, Veronica," Beatrice says as she lays down a napkin on her lap while the butler pours juice on her glass. After waiting for what seemed like forever, they were finally seated on the long dining table of the Ford mansion. Gran was at the center and two sat next to each other on the old woman's right side.

"Thank you. I'll enjoy this."

Beatrice had only a bite of her salad before she began speaking with the two again. "About your wedding, I hope you don't mind that I already took the liberty of picking out the designer for your dress."

"I don't-"

"Aren't you going to ask where we met? How long we've known each other? When or where did I propose? Details like that?" Cedric suddenly chimes in the conversation.

Veronica would already have pinch his sides to bring him back to his senses if not for being her employer. Seriously, what is he saying? Aren't they supposed to not bring his grandmother's attention to those exact details he just mentioned?!

Beatrice raised her brows as if in a slight surprise before chuckling and waving her hand to dismiss him. "I don't care about any of that. The important thing is the two of you are engaged, in love, and will soon be wedded."

Veronica tried not to make her relieved expression so obvious as she stiffly smiled at the old lady before moving her gaze to the man beside her but when their eyes make contact, Cedric grabs her hand over the table, gently squeezes it, before hiding a triumphant smirk as he drinks water from his glass.

There Veronica understood why Cedric did that and she also tries to hide her smile while she takes a sip of her orange juice.

Little did they know that Beatrice has been happily stealing glances at the couple seated beside her. They remind them of her and his darling Edward when they were in their prime years, young and in love. "That's right. The sooner the wedding is, the sooner I get to see my great-grandchildren." She contentedly blurts out.

At the same time, Veronica chokes on her juice.

_to be continued_