Sneering Start (Chapter Zero)

"What if your deepest desire, your darkest secret, your smallest thought, what if all of that could come true..."

'Scarlet Strings Of Destiny...'

Night One

Thirteen Years Ago from present day...

Imaginary beginnings of July Twenty-Eight, 1914, the start of the first world war...

The Blood Moon Hung above casting the world below it in a red glowing light...

"Get the hell out of my way!"

The sounds of clashing blades echoed out loudly.

In a large field a man stood. He wore armor that seemed to be forged out of bones themselves with a helmet that seemed to be a skull. A shield of bones was on his left arm while he held a sword of bones in his right. Black aura seemed to seep out of him and out of the eye sockets of the skull like helmet golden flames seemed to pour out.

In front of him stood several people all dressed in black business like suits and all covered in a white aura.

The knight of bones fought them all blocking their sword strikes with ease as his eyes filled with an utter rage. "Out of my way-"

"Knight of bones..." A Female voice called out. Near the back of the field a woman stood. She had red hair tied into a pony tail as well as blood red eyes and unlike the others she was in a blood red suit.

"Rose Aka..." The Knight of bones growled out.

"I'm afraid I can't let you pass." The woman sighed holding her left hand up as a bloody red aura seemed to bubble up around her and blood began to seep out of her finger tips forming a blood red rose. "You must not allow her to live. She has to die Skull. I'm sorry but-"

"I'll kill you too then. All of you Wakes. I'll just slaughter you all then."

The girl who was named Rose sighed. "Very well. I see you're not going to listen to me. In that case come at me then. I'll show you just what I can do." She grinned an evil and wide grin.


In the center of a large cities capital a massive wooden stand stood tall. On the stand stood a wooden cross, but not a normal cross. The Cross didn't resemble a Christian cross. Rather it was more star shaped with many branches coming off of it that seemed to form twisting tendrils of wood. All along it many pictures of tentacle like beasts, that could have been squids, or something more, were all carved into the wood. A woman could also be seen tied to the strange cross. She had long black hair and was forced to wear a blind fold, her arm and legs bound in place with rope which kept her in place.


Unable to move or even see.

Down below several hundred people all stood many yelling out rude insults.


"You deserve whats coming to you!"


"Devil worshipper!"


"My husband is dead because of you!"


"I hope you burn in hell with the rest of your kind freak!"


That one word...


It seemed to replay in the womans mind over and over again being said again, and again, and again, and again, from all sides, it rammed into her, being said as if it was a truth. A fact even. She was a Witch.

Or at least in the peoples eyes she was a witch.

"It's..." The woman spoke but her voice barely went above a whisper not being heard by anyone as she was far too quiet. "It isn't true." Small tears began to seep out of her blind fold. "I'm not a witch. I didn't make a deal with the devil. I'm not evil. So why is everyone doing this... I... I'm a worshiper of the angled ones the same as all of you... This is madness."

"Mr. President Aldye..." A man spoke. Far above the crowd on the balcony of what looked like a large castle several people could all be seen. Most notably though was a man in a throne with messy long blonde hair who was dressed in a royal outfit. A young blonde haired girl who couldn't be older than eight stood at one side. On the other was a man in black robes with silver hair and a silver beard. His left eye was a light blue while his right was covered by bandages. "I believe it is about time we begin." The man with the Silver hair was the one who spoke. "Please give us the command Mr. President."

President Aldye. The thirty second President of the Red Nation, one of the four Nations that took up all of the Livable lands on the planet of Earth Two.

"Right..." The president nodded his head slowly a tired look in his eyes. He let out a heavy sigh. "Very well Captain Venefectus. Begin. Please."

"Of course my lord." The silver haired man closed his eyes as he raised his hand pointing it out in front of him and facing his palm towards the woman. A golden aura began to slowly cover his form lightning up the air around him as he traced his hand through the air. "Ignition." He whispered his palm lighting up as a small burst of orange hot flames fired out slamming down into the wooden platform and lighting it ablaze much to the cheering of the crowd.

A few people were shocked though. "It caught flame?" Dawn the daughter of the President asked with wide eyes. "It just suddenly caught on fire?" Only the President and Venefectus were able to see the flames the Captain had created.

"That was my auras power." Venefectus said calmly. "You'll learn about it when you awaken your aura Miss Dawn. All you need to know now though is that normal humans can't see aura as such to you and the rest of the crowd the stand seemed to simply catch ablaze out of the blue, where as in reality I used my aura to ignited it. With my power we can easily put this vile woman to death."

"B... But father... Why does she have to die..." The little girl asked not able to look at the sight in front of her.

Her father, the President, let out a small hum as he ran his hand through his childs hair. "Dawn my girl. In this world there exist many wonderous things, from its creatures to its people. In a world already filled with wonders, how does one decide what form it would take. What do we consider good and what do we consider bad. The answer to that is easy. Thats me. I stand above them all. Look at all the peasants below us. I'm a King without the title. Such is a President someone on equal footing to royalty. I stand above them. For her crimes I sentence her wonders to death. For the creation of the False Eyes of the Lord. For the creation of the Steel Bloods. Lilith shall die."

"Thats right." Venefectus nodded his head as he folded his arms. "Thats just the way this world works. If a Wonders isn't good then... Well it must be evil. And if you're evil, then you have no place existing in our world. You're better off in the New World."

"Thats... A cruel statement." The girl pouted.

"Dawn..." President Aldye said turning away from his daughter and staring down to the burning platform which had began to be engulfed by flames. "Never stop asking questions. That is what will allow us to keep stepping forward. No matter what humans are strong. And. No matter what humans will find a way to keep marching forward even in the face of death. Because life has a way-"

It was then that it happened.

The night air was suddenly filled with a chilling noise that drove everyone silent.

A single sound no one had been expecting to hear.

A single sound that made everyone who felt that justice was about to be served stop.

The sounds of a baby crying could be heard coming from the blazing inferno before them all.

The woman had given birth in the middle of her execution. She hadn't looked pregnant nor had she seemed to go into labor.


Sure enough its cries rose out of the flames as its back slowly dropped down onto the rood floor of sticks that must have been red hot as the fires approached.

"A... A babies cries?" The President said with wide eyes whispering the words as his face became pale. "I don't believe it-"

"GIVE IT BACK!" A purple glow seeped out of the sky as a wave of energy seemed to come casting down from the air in front of all the civilians blowing them all back. A crack in the air suddenly appeared as the space around it became twisted and something reached out of it. A bone like hand. Seconds later the crack grew before suddenly shattering as something stepped out of the space hole. A tall man wearing armor that seeped to be forged from bones it covered him from head to toe and gave him a skull like helmet that hid his form. At his belt rested a bone like sword which glowed with the same kind of energy as the distortion. "How dare you!" The knight of bones yelled out his voice booming across the city. "How dare you take what is mine!"

"One of the four knights of the apocalypse. The White Knight of Bones." Venefectus said with wide eyes. "But they're only supposed to be seen during times when the world is in danger and Fate is on a new course? Why is he here. And what the hell is he yelling about. He should be in the New World?"

"I... I don't see anything?" Dawn, the daughter of the President said frowning.

"No. I don't think you could." Venefectus said a worried look on his face. "Nor can any of the humans down there. Only those with aura can. When you awaken aura then you can see him Dawn."

Down below all the 'humans' stood confused. They didn't see the ripple in the sky nor did they hear the screams of the knight in bones, nor did they see him. They did feel the wind and see the cracks in the stone as he crashed down.

Normal humans simply couldn't see supernatural elements such as this.

One of the many ways that the hidden world of Imps and Wakes hid under the humans noses.

Before anyone could even react the knight of bones jumped into the flames going through them and ignoring the heat as he reached the woman.

"Lilith." The Knight yelled.

"O... Ori..." The woman went silent as her head slumped down and she no longer moved.


"Is... Is my baby..."

The sounds of the baby grew louder as the man slowly bent down and picked it up cradling it in his arms now. He stared at the woman once more as the flames grew larger around them. The child seemed fine save for his back which was covered in burn marks.

"H... He should live."

"H... He... So its a boy."

"Yes... My eyes can see him clearly Lilith. He's a boy."

"G... Good... I was scared that I would have given birth to a M... Mare... But if your eyes see him clearly he must b... Be human. K... Kale... His name is... Kale..." Her head slowly tilted down as she grew silent.

"Lilith?" The Knight yelled again the sockets of his eye glowing with a bright golden glow. But it was no use. Yelling wouldn't fix anything. He knew it. She was already dead. "Goodbye old friend... Till we meet again in the New World..." His hand gripped the baby slowly. "I'll keep your son safe."

And with a swipe of his sword, both him, and the child, were gone...


Present Day...

Imaginary beginnings of September Twenty-Fifth, 1927, the end of the second world war...


The sound of her fist slamming into his face echoed out loudly in the park as the boy fell back.

All the other kids stared at her with wide eyes as Brave stood there a frown on her face her knuckles split open from punching the kid.

"S... She's a monster." One of the boys cried out.

Before she could do anything else they all turned and made a run for it leaving Brave standing there by herself. She let out a small sigh before slowly looking down at her beat up and dirty state.

"Oh man... Dads gonna kill me..." She sighed.