
'Scarlet Strings Of Destiny.'

Night Three...

"Please! Stop hurting my cat!"

Three boys stood around a heavily injured cat which seemed to have been ran over. The three of them were slowly nudging it causing it to howl.

Standing next to them a young boy no older than eight stood tears streaming down his face. He had a small halo on his head as well as tiny white bird like wings far to small to allow him to fly. He glared at the three kids and even tried to interact with them but he seemingly phased through them. They also didn't seem to notice him.

"L... Leave my cat alone!" He sobbed loudly.

The ghost thought this pain he felt in his heart wouldn't go away. No one seemed to bother the three kids who were picking on the cat. Why would they? The cat was obviously dying, and these three boys weren't normal kids. Most likely the sons of someone important in the city.

A normal person would stay out of it and not bother anyone.

Brave was...

Not normal...


The sound of Brave's fist slamming into the boys face echoed out loudly in the park as the boy fell back his head slamming into the fence as she finished her last punch.

All the other kids stared at her with wide eyes as Brave stood there a frown on her face her knuckles split open from punching the kid and her face bruised from the punch she had received.

"S... She's a monster." One of the boys cried out.

Before she could do anything else they all turned and made a run for it leaving Brave standing there by herself. Lily, and the two other boys gone. Many of the adults all glaring at her. She let out a small sigh before slowly looking down at her beat up and dirty state.

"Oh... I did it again didn't I..." She let out a bit of a angry yell hitting herself over the head. "Oh man... Dads gonna kill me..." She sighed. "I hope it made you at least a little happy."

"H... Huh?" Next to the injured cat the ghost boy stood. He seemed to still be crying but the cat weakly looked up at him meowing. "Y... You can see me?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah..." Brave said sheepishly scratching the back of her head. "I can sort of see dead people I guess... Its kind of embarrassing..."

"Who's she talking to..." Some adults whispered. None of them could see the little boy.

"Maybe the dying cat. Whatever the case that was the son of the mayor she just smacked. She screwed up big time..."

"S... Should we warn her?"

"Her... No way... I hear her family are a bunch of freaks anyways... She has it coming..."

Brave sighed her ears twitching. "Sometimes having good hearing is a curse... Why is it never hear people giving me compliments but I always hear them insult me... Double standards..."

"N... No ones ever been able to see me." The boy said sniffling as more tears began to seep out of his eyes and snort ran down his face. "O... Only this cat. H... He's been my only friend. W... When I woke up in this park I was confused. A... And no one could see or hear me. But this cat could. He could interact with me. H... He was my only friend. B... But today... W... When he was crossing the street to see me he..."

"He was hit by a car..."

"Yeah..." He sobbed.

Brave sighed as she set down with the boy. "Well... I don't think I can do anything... W... We can at least wait here with him though."

The little ghost boy broke down into tears the two of them sitting there with the cat as its breathing got slower. It wasn't long before it passed away, surrounded not by three bullies who picked on it, but rather someone it considered a friend, and a strange brown haired girl who seemed to have a good soul.

"Its always hard when animals die." Brave said wiping her eyes for a moment. "That said." She slowly placed her hand on the boys head. "I can't have you doing anything bad. So go on and move forward in the New World." She said closing her eyes as the little boy lit up with a faint white light.

"T... Thank you miss." He said before his body slowly broke away and he seemed to vanish.

"May your soul rest in peace." Brave said saying a quick prayer. She let out another sad sigh before she got to work slowly moving the dirt. Digging a grave for the cat.



Outside of the city of Dandelion was a vast forest and mountain range. The city itself rested on the middle point of the mountain. Going further up the mountain would lead a person to a small remote village in which Brave lived. Going down the mountain would lead the person to an even smaller military base that was now seemingly abandoned.

The President of the Red Nation, President Aldye, would have been the one to station the men out here preparing for what could be the third world war.

However the station was now abandoned...

That led to the question of what exactly caused the many soldiers that had been there to vanish...

At the military base a man stood.

Or rather it was more accurate to say he stood in the forest range just on the cost of the base.

An older man could be seen looking around with a small frown on his face as he glanced back and forth. He seemed to be in his late thirties and had dark black hair, and a pair of sunglasses that covered his eyes keeping them both hidden. He wore a black business suit, with a white buttoned up under shirt, and a red tie. In his hand he held a sheathed sword. The blade seemed to be a simple long sword, and had a cross like guard on it. On the handle of the sword was many symbols of creatures with tentacles.

He stood on a large branch of a snow covered tree resting in a large forest. Snow covered the ground and the many trees as he let out a small sigh. His eyes were fixed on the Military base simply staring at it as if something would happen.

This was a Wake. A member of a secret Organization that the rest of the world didn't know about. Many people didn't know the vast ghosts, or monsters, that roamed the world. Nor did they know the supernatural abilities the lied just below the surface. A whole world that was hidden.

"Hmm..." The man allowed a small hum to escape his lips as his head turned and his ears twitched. His nose seemed to also twitch for a moment as he nodded his head. "If I had to guess I'd say they started here... The question is were they summoned or was it a freak chance they were all created here... Its possible... After all I've seen crazier things... How many though... "Three... No... Four? All Threat Level E..." He nodded inching forward slightly. "No... There's another one... A stronger one. C, no B? No it's a-"

There was a flash of light which grew closer as a knife flew through the air. The man barley had time to cock his head to the side as the knife sliced into his shoulder cutting it open but not a deep wound. He jumped back in a single motion jumping to the branch behind him with ease as he let out a growl.

"Damn it. So it was still here?"

"My, my to think someone like you would be near by." A cocky voice laughed. The man managed to jump out of his tree just in time as it was suddenly blasted apart. "Oh. You're a quick one aren't you. Then again all your kind are. You're far higher up on the food chain then normal humans. Not only do you guys stand above them you even manage to keep out of their sight. Of course you have the rumors that will pop up now and then but for the most part most of you remain hidden."

"Damn... You noticed me?" The man hissed quietly drawing his sword and entering a battle stance as he looked up.

"Of course I did. You Imps got a good nose, but we Mares are just better... when it comes to that. Its like comparing the nose of a human to the nose of a dog. Truth is I knew you were there for a while. Let me guess you want to know if I called the Mares on the Military men, or if they just happened to spawn from them right?" The new voice laughed. A figure came into view walking out of the snow covered forest and into the section the man with the glasses was. He almost looked human. Almost... He had stylish black hair, and dark soulless black eyes that didn't look natural. They looked almost like the eyes of a snake filled with no emotion just utter darkness and hate. His skin was pale. To pale. His skin was almost able to blend in with the very snow... Small black scales covered parts of his body and the smallest hint of a smile was on his lips, which were parted just enough to show a mouth filled with fangs. He wore a fancy suit as well as a top hat and gave a goofy bow his hat almost falling off. "You can call me... Tik." He announced giving a smile.

"Or I can call you a monster because that's what you are." The man with sunglasses hissed out pointing his sword at the man.

"Oh don't be that way..." The monster that almost looked human gave a pout. "I even offered to answer your question... That base was a military base right... Mares can spawn from people with dark souls. So you're wondering if the Mares spawned from the men or if I sent them after the men aren't you? If they spawned from the men how is it that three men turned into Mares all in one day. If I sent them after the Military men why is it I ordered such an attack? Thats whats going through your mind is it not?"

"Like I would trust any answer you give."

"Don't go and be a sore loser." Tik reached down pulling out a small black wallet which shocked the sunglasses wearing man when he saw it. Tik opened it looking inside of it. "Ah. So you're name is Cliff Williams?'

"How did you get my wallet?" The apparently named Williams hissed going for his pockets which were now empty.


Williams let out a growl inching forward. "Why are you and the other Mares gathering here."

"Why else?" Tik asked giving a small grin. "To eat... A new Imp will be born and we're all very hungry..."

"You think I'm gonna just sit by?" Williams sneered. "I will stop you." A pale white aura seemed to explode around Williams body lighting the area up and making Tik step back a bit. William held his blade up which was quickly covered in the pale white aura. "Pero!" He announced.

"I guess we're doing this then..." Tik smirked. "Fine by me. Come then Imp! Let us have the dance that we Mares have had with your kind for ages."

And with that a battle that has been going on since the dawn of this world started once more...