Scarlet Strings

'Scarlet Strings Of Destiny.'

Night Nine...

Seven Years Ago From Present Day...



The gun went off with a loud bang as the force of the hand gun sent Kale Pluto flying back from the guns kick back. He rolled through the alleyway as he came to a stop shaking his head after his painful tumble. He was small. Only six years old so the kick of the gun, and the loud noises, sent shock waves through his hands and ears. And yet he didn't really seem to bothered by it. Rather he just had a confused look on his face as he stared down at the gun with a curious look as he cocked his head to the side.

"Whoa!" Kale said with wide eyes as he stared down at the barrel of the gun which began to smoke rising out of the black barrel. "That was really loud huh? It kind of hurt when I pulled the trigger also... But it was strong... Wasn't it?" He asked as he slowly turned over to the entrance of the alleyway seeing his friend Nep standing there with a small frown on her face.

The eight year old girl folded her arms for a moment as she gave a small nod. "Yeah... It was... You okay? You're kind of small for your age. Maybe this was a bad idea after all? Should we just give up now and go back to how things used to be?"

Kale was silent for a moment as he seemed to think over the words for a moment. "Nah. I'm tired of running from the monsters."

Nep's frown grew as her eyes stared at the back of her small friend. "I suppose you're right... They won't stop chasing us... Everywhere we go they follow... It's only a matter of time before they catch up to us... That's why I promise we'll get into that place. Paradise... The safe zone for Imps like us... We'll make it there... I swear..."

Kale let out a small hum as he stood back up and he raised the handgun up once again. He pointed it forward as he took a better stance and pulled down on the trigger. This time he withstood the kick back as the gun once again went off with a loud bang firing into the alleyway and hitting a set of cans that rested on the other end blasting them all down. The smallest hint of a smile crossed onto the tired and dirty boys face as he nodded his head. "I think I just got the hang of this."

Nep felt a small smile of her own cross onto her face for a moment as she nodded her head. "You always did pick up on things fast K..." The two of them were silent for a moment before Kale began to giggle which quickly broke out into full blown laugh. Nep stared at the six year old boy who was laughing now, as her smile grew and she began to also laugh.

Finally after a moment they went silent...

They were in a pretty messed up world filled with monsters that wouldn't hesitate to rip them limb from limb but they could always rely on each other... It was one of the few things that kept them going all this time. They had each other... That was why Kale did whatever Nep told him to do. She always knew best after all. She was everything he wasn't. That's why he would work harder than anyone else to keep up with her.

He would do whatever she asked him too...

No matter what it was...

Kale's smile faded as his eyes slowly drifted down to the gun in his hands once more. It suddenly felt heavy as his mind began to race. They already knew what he needed to use it for.

"So..." He said looking back up to meet his friends gaze, having a look no child should ever have on their face. "Who did you want me to kill again Nep? We'll get there one day right... The place beyond Heaven... Paradise? We'll get there one day..."


Heaven Academy...

Headmasters office...

Headmaster Aka eyed the window with an almost bored look as she rested in her chair quietly staring out of her office. Her fingers quietly tapped away at the armrest to her chair as she waited patiently for something to happen, but what that was, it was unclear.

Her light pink eyes stared out of her window watching the orange sky above as the sun was setting. Up above the moon hung casting the smallest hint of light down on the building below allowing her to see the ground of her newly built building. She had been warned that building this place might not have been the best idea and yet she still went through with it. No one else understood the situation this world was in. They needed this to happen here and now. And so Headmaster Aka waited patiently. This would determine the future of the world. She would save it.

She had to save it...

The thought made her slightly excited. Good vs Evil. Who knew what the outcome would be. Not even she had the slightest clue as to what might happen in this little game that was beginning to play.

The large doors to her office swung open with a powerful force as a young man in his early thirties entered giving a half bow to the woman. "Headmistress Aka you are receiving a call from the President of the Red Nation, President Aldye, the thirty second President of the Red Nation." The man said. He had messy brown hair and light brown eyes. He was wearing a long flowing white lab coat and had a weird badge that looked kind of like a silver cross with a red gem in it placed over his chest where his heart would be.

The smallest hint of a smile slowly crossed onto Headmaster Aka's face as her fingers slowly stopped their constant tapping. "Finally..." She muttered letting out a small sigh. "I thought the mad fool was never going to call. I assume he wishes to discus the request that I made one month ago?"

"Yes my Lady I believe he does."

"Good... Put him through Professor Black." Headmaster Aka said calmly. She stared back at her reflection in the mirror as her smile grew. "I wonder if 'that' will convince them... After all while we didn't start it, we didn't stop it either..."

Professor Black gave a small bow as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal flip phone. He clicked a button on the phone and held it up to the womans head holding to her ear.

Several Hundred miles away on the other side of the planet a castle on it could be seen. It was morning here showing the sun cast down on the island where several hundred people could all be seen running around. Some kind of party.

Inside one of the many rooms of the castle a man dressed in very fancy robes could be seen allowing himself to be poured a glass from one of his many butlers as another one of the butlers held a phone up to his ear.

"Ahh Ms. Aka!" The man said with a small hint of excitement in his voice when he heard the call connect. "I hope I'm not calling at a bad time. It is pretty late over where you people are in the Red Nation I assume?"

"Do not worry President Aldye." The voice of Headmaster Aka said over the phone. "I've been expecting your call for quite a while now actually. I trust you looked over my request in full detail Sir?"

"Straight to business huh. I like that in a lady." The President allowed a small smile to cross onto his face as he handed his drink over to the man next to him and leaned further back in his chair. "You must be busy huh. Well yes I have looked over the request you sent me. I have to ask Ms. Aka? When exactly did you go off the deep end?"

"I beg your pardon Sir?" The womans voice asked.

"You can't have possibly expected me to ever agree to something like this?" The President said his smile now gone. "Something like this. I would have to be crazy to allow you to do this. This would give that small group of yours way more power in the government. Wakes aren't something just anyone can be... Only those with Noble Blood deserve to go to those schools. It's bad enough my father allowed 5% of them New Bloods, or Common Bloods to go. And now you want any Imp to be allowed? Even the Dreaded Steel Bloods? Have you gone mad."

"Sir. I trust you know the danger we are in-"

"And I trust you know who I am." The President snarled. "I am the President of the Red Nation. My blood line is that of Royal Bloods, I am a king among even the kings, someone who doesn't even need to hold the title of the king. I am a President. We Imps are the superior life forms to the humans! We were forced to survive this land after our old Planet was forever changed. When the monsters came we evolved our techknowledge creating devices and weapons. We have developed techknowledge able to wipe out cities in seconds. Bunkers able to defend against bombs. Suits able to make a solider far greater than anything. We have access to Aura the very thing that makes and holds the world. We Royal Bloods are some of the greatest beings that exist on this damn Earth! New Bloods, Common Bloods, and especially Steel Bloods, have no God damn right to stand among us at all! You talk about the coming danger, and yet I call your bluff. We will never, and I mean never, require your aid against that silly group."

"...How much..."

"I beg your pardon?"

"How much do you want?" Headmaster Aka said her voice was calm and yet a small dangerous edge was to it that actually made the President pause. "How much would it cost to allow you to let us help? You think you know the threat but I assure you, you don't. You fools have seen nothing. You know nothing about the endless threats that lay within the dark void beyond us. Nothing about the real threats, and you definitely know nothing about how strong our 'silly' bloodlines are... I'll say this once President of the Red Nation. Do not make an enemy of us. We need every Imp. New Bloods, Common Bloods, and even Steel Bloods... Even the ones that have 'those' within them. The eyes of the False Lord."

"You think you can bribe me, the President? And with those silly threats?"

"I thought I would at least try..." A silence passed over the phone for a moment. "Sir. Your son, and Daughter... They aren't on the island with you are they?"

"Trying to threaten me with family? Well if you really want to know no. They aren't on this island. They are back in the Red Nation at the Red House."

"Good. Perhaps one of them will change their mind when they're the President."

"Ha... I suppose you plan on waiting a few years than? Well good luck than."

"Yes. Good luck. I'll send something nice to your family after the funeral." Headmaster Aka said bluntly. Before the President could question the woman the line disconnected leaving a silence in the room as the phone shut off.

The President gritted his teeth slightly as he set the phone down. "What did that fool mean... Hen." He said turning to the Butler. "Go contact my Captain. Tell Venefectus I want Headmaster Aka's head on a spike-"

Before either of them could say anything else a dark shadow suddenly blocked out the sun making the castle go dark as it began to rapidly shake.

"What the hell... What the hell!" President Aldye said as he stared out the window. "What the-"

There was a blinding blast of light as most of the island was simply obliterated in a single shot leaving only a giant hole in the now mostly burned island. Ash was blown around from the wind as a single man could be seen staring down into the hole. This man was Brave Larisons teacher... Mr. Pluto the man who had her stay with him.

He slowly raised a phone up to his ear as he was quiet for a few moments. "It's done..." He said bluntly. He pulled out a small black card which he let go of allowing the wind to carry it down. "The Organization finished the first stage."

And with that World War Three just began.

Several hundreds of miles away inside of Heaven Academy Headmaster Aka leaned back in her chair. "Tell me Harrison Black." She said her eyes slowly turning to the man in the lab coat who rested in the doorway. "How is the project going?" She asked.

"We just finished the applications today." The man said giving a small bow.

"Good." The woman said calmly. "Oh remind me to send some flowers to the former Presidents family. And also I think it would be wise if we get in contact with the new President Dawn Aldye, The Thirty Third President of the Red Nation. Hopefully she's smarter than her dad..."


"A... Are you really leaving for some other school?" Lumo asked with wide eyes.

The group had awoken by now several hours later. Irene, Lumo, Chase, and Max, were all under the impression that a freak storm had caused all these issues. The group wasn't outside the house though. Rather they were at a strange train station now about to get on board. Her and Williams were at least. The others were staying.

"U... Uh yeah..." Brave stumbled over her words. "T... Thats right."

"Don't worry." Darvin said giving a half smile. "After a talk we all thought this was best."

"I don't know if I agree with that... Our house and church is gone, and you're missing an arm Father..." Irene frowned. "I still don't know who this strange man is..." She frowned staring at Williams who looked annoyed.

"Trust me." Darvin nodded.

"We don't have time for this." Williams sighed. "Hurry up and say your goodbyes. You won't see them again till summer break."

"R... Right." Brave gave a nod of her head. She stared at her siblings her mind racing as she tried to think on what to say. Her eyes landed on Lumo for a moment. "I promise. I'll be alright. No matter what." She announced.

Lumo let out a sad sigh. "I doubt it." For a moment she gave a smile. "I'll hold you to that."

Brave nodded her head. "Yeah. I'll be back in no time at all-"

The doors to the train opened as Williams grabbed her by her shoulder. "We have to go now." He said dragging her into the train. Brave gave a small sad nod and waved to her siblings as they boarded the train.

It didn't take very long for the doors to close and the train began to leave.

As soon as it was gone Darvins smile faded. "Brave... You fool." He sighed giving a smile. "I'm so glad you're my daughter."

On the train Brave and Williams got into a seat. The man let out a sigh as he folded his arms. "I'll be honest. I'm actually shocked that even after I told you, you were kidnapped you still sided with your family."

Brave gave a small sigh as he stared out the window. "Their my family... I agreed to go to your school for one year... I'll do one year of the Wake school. After that I'll make up my mind. I'll either keep going and try to become a Wake or I'll stay with my family. I'll see. But... I don't care if they kept secrets. I trust them... I love them no matter what and I'm smart enough to know they're smarter than me. If they were keeping things hidden from me I'm sure they had a reason. Besides... If Mares like those exist and any of my siblings could become a New Blood I want to be able to keep them safe no matter what."

"You're a little to trusting but thats fine. As long as you agreed to try and become a Wake for at least one year I've done my job."

"So... We're going to that school now?"

"No. Heaven Academy is the name of the school. A Large school in which I teach. It won't be open until a full month though as its having some issues though those should be settled with the New President."

"New President?"

"No need to worry about that. All you need to know is that getting into a school like Heaven, isn't easy and for most people they won't make it and will die. The Imp world you'll be entering is a very dog eat dog world. I'm pulling you in as I believe you can make it but if you fail I won't hesitate to leave you behind."

"So if we aren't heading there then where are we going?"

"Brothers Wicked. Also known as the Black Market."