The Test Begins

'Scarlet Strings Of Destiny.'

Night Eighteen...

The Boat of Mustafar...

"The test is on a huge boat!?" Brave asked.

"Yeah." Fate nodded. "Well... Actually the testing location changes places each year, as well as examiners. There are always three in total. Last year Professor Black, Professor Sigmore Junior, and Professor Bao were the ones that did it and there were four tests in total."

"How do you know how many there were and who was doing it?" Brave asked.

"Uh well... Um... I... My... My father told me." Fate said stuttering a bit as if she had been quickly trying to come up with an excuse.


Brave bought that excuse hook line and sinker...

It had finally come.

The day Brave had been working towards.

The day of the test.

The two girls had been dropped off by Williams at the entrance and told good luck. No signs of Kale and neither Fate nor Williams brought him up. Brave was now clean all the dirt and grime that had been coating her gone. Her hair had also been cut leaving it at shoulder length and was now straight now. Brave herself wore pretty much the same outfit she had that being a pair of blue jeans, a black tank top, and a jacket that had a spare combat knife in it, Blacks sword nowhere to be seen. Fate wore a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of simple blue jeans as well.

The entrance they stood in front of was actually a large dock. There were many boats some small ones and some the sizes of yachts. This boat however. The one the test was on was massive. Far bigger than any other boat it actually was touching other boats and yet almost like a ghost those boats went through it as if it wasn't real. No one reacted to the massive boat either. The thing was more like a mountain turned over rather than a boat.

It was just that big.

"Heres hoping we do well..." Fate hummed. "The first test shouldn't be life threatening."

"It won't be?"

"No. It's designed to knock out any members who for sure won't be able to survive that way they wont die. test two is typically the one that can lead to death and when I- Or rather last year the test involved fighting a large Mare far bigger then any of the ones you had seen so far. If we're lucky your training with Mr. Laws should let you pass the first two, but the third one is always a gamble..."

"Yeah about that... I sort of didn't train with Mr. Laws." Brave said sheepishly making Fate trip over her feet.

"You what!"

"I... Sort of forgot about him and was busy doing my own thing..."

"S... So you don't know anything about aura!?"

"Well... I get the gist of it."

Fate sighed shaking her head. "You're unbelievable."

"I'll take that as a compliment. But still. Was training with that weird guy so important-"


Fate punched Brave over the head her eye twitching. "Yes. It was a very big deal. That man was a Cultivator Wake."

"Ow... What does that even mean." Brave sighed. She couldn't wait for the day she knew what all the weird Wake stuff was.

Fate sighed folding her arms. "Well... It's a little complicated... You see... A Wake... Well a Wake honestly isn't anything."


"Theres no government that officially recognizes Wakes as a group. A Wake is honestly just a powerful Imp who took this test. That said there are plenty of powerful Imps out there who don't bother taking the Wake test... See Wakes aren't an official group. There are ten Squads and in total around 100 to 200 official Wakes. Taking this test and passing is just step one. Once you do that you then have to go through school and pick what kind of Wake you want to be."

"What kind of Wake I want to be?"

"Yes... See... I know you likely think of Wakes as simply people who hunt Mares but thats not true. Thats part of it and in some ways all Wakes are required to hunt Mares but... Really when it comes to a Wake each one is different. Some Wakes function as assassins, some Wakes function as bodyguards, some Wakes function as monster hunters and fight Mares constantly, some Wakes function as generals in wars, and some Wakes are just treasure hunters. Being a Wake is really just a title... You also don't really need to even finish all five years of school. You'll become a Wake whenever you're ready too as long as you've passed this test. Heaven just exist as a way for you to master Aura. You can go for the full five years or you can go for one and decide your good enough and pick your job profession. The only requirements to being a Wake are that you went to one of the four schools for Wakes, for at least one year, that you have an Affinity, and that you can get accepted by at least one Squad. If those three things happen then you're a Wake. As a Wake you pick what your want your function to be and sort of just do work depending on that. Also as a Wake you have permission to enter almost any part of the world going to any of the Four Nations as well as some other 'special' benefits."

"So... If the Wakes aren't really a group then whats with the whole Squads and stuff?"

"Well. As I said there are many kinds of Wakes. Mr. Laws is a Cultivator Wake. He walks around placing his house in new locations every now and then and will train people he deems worthy. The ten Squads are not really like a military group as a whole... Rather they are the ten Strongest Wakes. The leader of them being Venefectus. Don't think of the Squads as a working group. When you join a Squad it doesn't really mean you're in that squad really... It's a little hard to explain... Its more formal then anything. Like the Captain of that Squad is your boss but you won't see them that often. You just have to go to a meeting once a year where they will tell you some things like hunt more Mares and then you can go back to doing whatever you want. Also they'll send you paychecks for hunting Mares and naturally you earn money doing whatever your profession is as well."

"Thats... Great then!" Brave announced.


"This is perfect. This means I can pass this exam, then go to this school for a year or two, and then join a Squad and boom I'm a Wake. And you're saying I'll get paid? I can help fund my family, and get strong enough to keep them safe. Plus this Venefectus guy... He sounds kind of strong right! I bet he'd know something about my dad if I asked."

Fate sighed rolling her eyes. "Right... Well we should head in. After all Kale already went in ahead of us and I'm afraid of what he'll get up to if I leave him alone for to long."


"Big brother there are a lot of people here!" Mary said with wide eyes.

"Yeah there are..." Kale hummed looking around. "I wonder if there are any interesting ones..."

"Who cares about them! You have me big brother!" Mary announced jumping on his back and wrapping her arms around him. They were on the boat. Once you entered it you would be sent to the hull of the ship. The boat itself was already weird. It was big, bigger than any boat but the insane was insane. In the hull around two hundredish people all taking the exam were there. All of them either New Bloods, Common Bloods, or the rare Steel Bloods. No Royal Bloods as they didn't have to take the test. Inside of the hull it was insanely wide. Wider then even the boat. They could see the walls but the ceiling was so high it became pitch black and the hull seemed to stretch out leading to further darkness ahead of them. It must have gone on for a few miles at least which was absurd and didn't make sense as the boat wasn't that long, despite its large size. It was like they were somewhere else.

"You there!" A loud voice announced.

"Huh?" Kale turned around raising an eyebrow when he saw someone walking towards him. A young thirteen or fourteen year old boy around Kale's age. He had neat red hair and sapphire blue eyes that were hidden behind a pair of round glasses, as well as a slightly tanned skin showing he worked out in the sun often. He wore a white buttoned up shirt and black pants and for some weird reason had a wooden sword in his belt. "Is that... A fake sword-"

The red haired boy cleared his throat placing one hand on his wooden sword and one hand on his glasses pushing them up. "The rules state that only Imps ages eleven to fourteen can take this test."

"What are you getting at... I'm thirteen." Kale said flatly.

"Its not you I'm talking about. Its that young girl on your back!"


"If thats her name then yes! She is clearly not of age."

"Actually shes as old as me. She just looks younger then me."


"No that was a lie. I'm addicted to lying sorry. However I got permission for her to take the test with me."

"You did?"

"No that was another lie. Again sorry it's a habit."

"...I don't like you." Nick hummed.

"Aw thats a shame. I like you."

"...Is... This... Also a lie?"


The red haired boy sighed as his grip on the wooden sword got tighter. "I see... Look. Kids like her shouldn't take this test. Its dangerous."

"Don't worry about her. She's about as strong as I am. Actually she should be just as strong as I am." Kale hummed. "Still... I guess I can see your point. Hey Mary."

"Yeah!" Mary asked dropping off of his back.

"Would you go ahead and wait with Will while I finish the test here?"

"Hmm... Okay..." She pouted her cheeks puffing out. "But you owe me one big brother."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll make it up to you for sure. I promise."

"You better." The girl folded her arms and began to move through the many people heading to the entrance to leave the boat. She passed Fate and Brave, Fate taking a moment to look at her before Brave dragged her further into the room.

They watched her leave in silence before the red haired boy placed his hands back down at his side and gave a bow. "Thank you. I didn't want to be rude but when I saw her I began to get worried. The Professor who found me informed me of how dangerous this test could be."

"Your Professor told you about this test. Neat."

"Indeed he did. I'm Nick Ale by the way. I am a New Blood. I assume that like me you want to become a Wake."

"Yeah I guess."

"I see. If I may ask what is your name?"

"Me? Oh call me Kale Pluto."

"Well then Kale it is nice to meet you and I hope you will be able to pass this test. Do you know what kind of jobs you want to take as a Wake."

"Of course I do. I'd like to be a bodyguard Wake."

"A Bodyguard huh? I see. Thats a Noble cause. Using your power to protect others and serve them. You are indeed a good person-"

"Plus I hear the mafia guys pay a shit load of cash for bodyguards who can use aura meaning I'd be f##king rich." Kale announced dollar signs entering his eyes.

"...Oh... Less... Noble..." Nick said blinking a few times. "I have gone back to not liking you."

"Thats okay. I still don't like you either."

"So is that a lie or... I don't care actually. While we're here why don't I tell you why I wish to become a Wake. It is only fair since you told me... My tale is... A Tragic one I'm afraid. You see-"

Kale peaked past Nick tuning the red haired boy out as he eyed his sister up his eyes shifting to the brown haired girl to her. He was pretty sure her name was Brave. They hadn't talked much. She smelled gross and he nearly threw up being in that car with her. Now though. Now he had to admit she kind of looked a little cute, her hair having been cut, and all the grime on her gone. She likely didn't smell like trash anymore as well. Though judging off the vibes he was getting from her asking her out was likely pointless. She seemed to prefer Fate.

'Oh my God is this guy still talking?' Kale thought turning back to Nick.

"-and thats why I've made it my mission to become a Wake no matter what so that I can prevent my tale from happening to anyone else."

'Crap I totally wasn't listening...' Kale thought flatly. "W... Wow... Uh... Thats um... Thats a really... Noble cause?"

"Thank You."


"Oh thank God." Kale sighed out in a tone of relief when he heard the bell. 'I'll just ditch this nerd when I get the chance and go hang out with Sissy.'

The bell tolled loudly throughout the room getting everyones attention. From up above a figure came into view seemingly falling from the sky. They dropped down landing wildly in front of all the students and crashing down so hard the area around them seemed to shake.

"What is up everybody!" They announced. It was a young man. He had wild red hair and bright green eyes. His mouth was in a smirk and he had a bit of a pointy nose. He wore a black suit and in one hand he held a... Well... It almost looked like a hammer. Or a flute? Like it was a massive club like weapon but it had holes all along it and a mouth piece at the base of the handle. The top of it was circular and round shaped with a hole. It looked like if you took a flute and you made it for a giant. "Names Kovu Radaghast but you brats will call me Professor Radaghast. That is... If any of you can actually get in." He grinned. "Until then you can all stop talking. The exam is beginning."

Everyone was silent when they saw the man. He was tall. Taller then most adults and his muscles were huge. They had to be to carry such a large instrument and or weapon, Kale still wasn't sure what it was, just that he did in fact want one very much.

Professor Radaghast turned his body and pointed down the hallway. "So heres the deal everyone. This is the first exam and it should be pretty easy. This boat we're on is heading to an island where the second test will be. All you have to do to pass is make it to the exit which is all the way down at the other side and then step out onto the island." He grinned. "Easy right? We should be at the island by the time 'I' reach the exit so come on then."

He turned his body and began to slowly walk.

Everyone was a bit confused but they all began to follow him down the long hallway.

The walking kept that way for a few minuets.


The people up front began to slowly jog to keep up with Radaghast whos own movement had gotten a little faster. It wasn't noticeable at first but slowly his walk was turning into a slow walk to a slow jog to a slow run to a full on sprint as his grin grew larger.

"I get it..." Nick hummed. "So thats what this test is."

"What?" Kale asked turning to look at the boy.

"We don't know how long we'll be running for, or how much energy is needed. We also don't know if anything else is in this tunnel though so we can't lag behind least something gets us. On top of that it feels like he's getting faster... This is a endurance test to see if we can keep up but its also a mental test to see how we handle the stress of- Wait? Where the hell did he go?" Nick looked around but Kale must have vanished into the crowd as he was now gone.

Meanwhile over with Cov Lin he played on his gaming device as he ran. "Hmm... That brown haired girl is here but I don't really like her I suppose... Instead I'll just focus on my games and be by myself I suppose..."

'We should arrive in about... Five or six hours...' Radaghast thought as a small white aura covered his body. 'Lets see who can keep up with me and who's gonna fall behind!' And with that he went at top speeds leaving almost everyone behind.

Very quickly the pitch black room was lit up by white lights as everyone activated their auras, with many people simply falling behind instantly unable to do even that much. The entire pitch black hallway was lit white with the auras.

All but one section.

"Whoa Fate!" Brave said with wide eyes. "Your aura is grey?"

'She noticed-' Fate nearly slipped but caught herself letting out a nervous laugh. "What? Oh you think its grey. Thats impossible as all first years have white aura." She said laughing nervously.

"No... Its hard to tell but your aura is grey." Brave nodded running along side Fate.

"Yeah she's right." Kale said suddenly appearing on the other side of Fate. "Yours is darker than ours?"

"Kale!" Fate nearly jumped when she saw her 'brother' suddenly appear next to her.

"What up sissy." Kale simply stood there as they went forward. As in... He stood there. His legs weren't moving?

It took Fate a moment to register but she looked down finding Kales feet were motionless and not even touching the ground as at the bottom of his shoes were roller blades...

"Kale... I feel like you're cheating."

"Maybe." Kale said blankly staring dead ahead and only moving his legs every now and then to keep the roller blades moving forward. The tilting of the boat they were on seemed to be helping him as it had turned into an almost down slope style that wasn't to noticeable but for Kale allowed him to not use any movement.

"I wish I thought of that." Brave said nodding her head.


"What? Its a good idea." Brave shrugged.

Fates eye twitched as she stared ahead. 'At least they're not talking about my aura... Father assigned me to this mission because my aura looked like a first years... Speaking of which though...' Fate allowed herself to fall a little behind the two. 'Both of them...' Her eyes skimmed over their auras. 'They seem so different then what it was one month ago...'

Brave and Kale moved forward Brave keeping up with Kale's skating. Their aura was bright compared to everyone else. Few of the people around them were matching them.

"I think we met in the car right?" Kale asked.

"Yeah. I'm Brave and you're... Kale?"

"Yep. Kale Pluto."

"And you're Fates brother? Your last name is different though?"

"We're not blood siblings. Sissy and I grew up together in the same orphanage. She was adopted by Cliff Williams a while ago though. I was only adopted recently."

"I grew up in an orphanage to." Brave said nodding her head.


"Yeah. I had several siblings also. Though... Recently I found out my father is alive. I never really thought about him before until recently. I'm trying to become a Wake cause Professor Williams told me that joining Heaven would be the best way for me to see him."

"Oh cool. I also don't know my dad. But I don't really care about finding him really. I have to take care of Mary."


"My little sister. Shes the reason I'm becoming a Wake. I'm gonna earn some serious cash to make her set for life and... I'll focus on my second goal..." He muttered the last bit looking ahead. "Honestly though this test is a little to easy. I mean he's not even moving that fast."

"He's not?" Brave looked around and only just realized that somehow her and Kale had moved to the front of the group ahead of almost everyone else. "Wow... I guess I got pretty good?" She hummed nodding her head. The only person in front of them was Radaghast now who was still getting faster by the second but the two kids didn't seem to have an issue keeping up with him now.

Radaghast simply chuckled to himself. 'Looks like we got two this year huh. Three if Fate stopped holding back. And four or five, if a few more of them took this serious... I count about seven of them in total... The rest are either really good at holding their power back or are dead weight and wont be passing this round of testing...' His smile grew larger. 'In that case... I'll go at full speed right here and now.'

And with that the start of the first test was just beginning.

But more importantly...

Fates eye twitched as she stared at Brave and Kale. "They're... They're becoming friends? Damn it Kale... Are you doing this just to screw with me?"

Brave and Kale had started what could become a friendship...