
'Scarlet Strings Of Destiny.'

Night Twenty...

Everyone was sent across the island at seemingly random.

Some appeared on the ground while others appeared in the air.

The black shadow cat that snatched everyone and carried them away appeared in the air opening up and allowing Kale to fall from the sky. He dropped down at a fast speed as he kicked out with his shoes and used his wheels to fly down a near by tree using it to curve as he dropped down as he came to a sliding stop on the ground below.

"Huh... I got sent pretty far didn't I?" Kale noted. "Where the hell even am I?"

Kale looked around but he wasn't able to really narrow his spot down as there were just a bunch of trees all around him and roots and grass. The sun quickly set casting him in an almost darkness if not for the aura that gave off a faint amount of light allowing him to see.

"You smell good..." A voice growled out. From the bushes a Mare jumped out at Kale grabbing at the boy and wrapping its arms around him. Kale stood there his body straightened as the Mare held on tight to him. "Now I got you." It grinned its mouth getting wider and wider. "I'm going to swallow you whole! Do you know what we Mares do to people? Our mouths break them down shattering their body and leaving only their life force which we then suck in and drink. Thats why Wakes kill themselves to avoid getting eaten. Its not the body we need but the life force of them. Its-"

Kale punched up hard enough to blast the arms of the Mare off as he uppercutted it so hard its entire upper body was ripped off sending it high into the air. As it spun around and began to fall its eyes slowly met Kales as it began to die.

When it saw Kale's eyes its own went wide.

They were a bright ruby red color shining brighter then even his aura.

"T... Those eyes are... I've seen the eyes of God-" The Mare exploded into a black smoke as both its upper half and lower half vanished.

"You were half right." Kale sighed his eyes fading back to black. Kale stuffed his hands in his pockets and began to walk through the woods slowly. "Guess I better find some food and water... I got seven days till rescue after all."

What Kale didn't know was that up above in the trees something was watching him hungrily a small tail wagging out of the darkness. "I bet he'll taste amazing..." A gravely voice hissed out.

Kale didn't have to walk very far before he managed to stumble across two more people. "Oh great... I found you two..." He sighed. In front of Kale he found both Nick and Cov. Cov was on the ground and for once wasn't playing on his gaming device. Though that seemed to only be because of the fact his leg was twisted to the side blood gushing out of it and the bone jutting out. Nick was next to him attempting to try and help the boy back up. "Oh crap that actually looks serious."

Cov was breathing heavily tears streaming down his cheeks as he winced in pain. Nick was next to him. "Alright come on." Nick said placing Cov's arm over him. "We need to get you up and pop that bone back in-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Kale said pushing Nick off of Cov. "Thats not what you do to a fractured leg." Kale crouched down. "You don't just snap a bone back into place. We need to force a brace for his leg and he should be laid back with his head down and his leg preferably up."

"You know a lot about this? Or at least you sound like you do..." Nick frowned.

"I've studied a bit of random things... Pluto taught me about some of how the human body works."


"He was... Nevermind. We need to make a Splint in order to realign his leg. We don't really have any medical things here so best I can do for the bleeding is to try and make some make shift bandages and he'll need to get it checked for infections when we're off the island." Kale ripped off part of his legging and grabbed a stick wrapping it around the stick. "Now... What was your name again?"

"C... Cov I suppose." Cov gasped out.

"Alright Cov what happened. Nerd make yourself useful by making sure we aren't being watched by any Mares and give me some spare cloth from your clothing and some sticks."

"Right." Nick nodded looking around and grabbing his wooden sword as he began to look around.

Cov was still breathing heavily as Kale took off his hat. "I... I didn't have my aura on... And I wasn't thinking when I appeared in the air. My leg snapped when I hit the ground as I used it to support my weight."

"Got it..." Kale nodded. Nick returned a few moments later with some things that Kale could use as a splint. He'd prefer better supplies but there were, God knows how many Mares on this island and moving an injured boy would be pretty dangerous. This was pretty risky already and would likely lead to Cov getting infected but if nothing was done he'd bleed out. Kale made the make shift splint which was pretty rough. He used more cloth to cover them up. "Here Cov. Bite down on this and look up and count to ten." He said sticking a stick covered with Cloth in Cov's mouth. He waited till Cov was distracted and went for it snapping the leg straight and using the hat as well as some cloth as a makeshift bandage, and forcing the splint around the leg to snap it back. He really wasn't a doctor though and was honestly out of his dept. Many professionals would likely be screaming at him...

Cov screamed like hell for a few moments his voice muffled from the gag as his teeth dug into it. Nick winced and looked away.

"D... Damn." Nick hissed out.

Kale stood back up coated in a lot of blood which he used to wipe down on his white t-shirt. "It's rough... I honestly never did anything like this and most of my medical knowledge is risky at best... Pluto never really taught me how to take care of a body. He just taught me which places to break to cause the most pain, and what tendons could be slashed to immobile someone."

"Who the hell was this Pluto guy?" Nick asked with wide eyes.

"He was a rotten bastard through and through." Kale sighed a faint sign of red entering his iris for a moment before it faded. "Anyways we should-" Something flew down at a high speed ripping its way past Nick as it grabbed Kale by his shoulders and flew up high. "What the hell!" Kale yelled his eyes wide.

"Mr. Pluto!" Nick yelled when he saw Kale was grabbed.

A large Mare held onto Kale now. It was almost like a massive white bat like beast. It was as if you merged a bat and a human together. It had human arms and legs covered with claws and a pair of large bat like wings stabbing out of its back. It had blood red eyes and snow white fur. Its claws stabbed into Kales shoulder blades as it took him up higher and higher.

"Hey! Let go of me you freak!" Kale yelled out waving around.

"You're gonna taste so good!" The bat Mare growled. "I'm the strongest Mare on this Island you know. I'm a Earl level threat! You Steel Bloods always taste so good you know! You lot are always made with special things." It licked its lip. "You're all so rare but so f##king tasty! But you. You're not just any Steel Blood are you? I saw those eyes. I know them. Eyes of the false Lord... You're the reason world war one started and the reason it ended. Well... Not you but rather your clan. Some Steel Bloods were made special. Most of the Steel Bloods were made to be simple warriors... But a few of you... That woman Lilith created you with the eyes of the False Lord. A way to mimic Gods Bright clan... I thought all of your kind died! Weren't you all devoured by the Mare King!"

"Shut the hell up!" Kale yelled thrashing around. "I'll kill you-"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Mare laughed as it flew past all the trees. "You can't even touch me with how you are! You're screwed-"

The Mare stopped when it looked up and saw Nick Ale falling towards him! Nick slammed his wooden sword down as hard as he could across the Mares face sending it blasting towards the ground at a high speed. Kale was flung out of its arms and also began to fall but before he could hit the ground Nick grabbed onto him the two crashing down into the ground with Nick holding Kale.

"Uh... You can put me down..." Kale said flatly in Nicks arms.

"Yep." Nick dropped Kale a blank expression on his face.

Kale dusted himself off a small frown on his face as he stared at Nick. 'He somehow jumped all the way past the Mare in mere seconds and smacked the thing with a wooden sword hard enough to slam it into the ground... That Mare hadn't been joking either. It might seriously be the strongest thing on this island if not then its at least one of them... Honestly I doubt I could really beat it and yet Nick... This kid is a prodigy...' Kale thought.

The ground began to rumble as the bat Mare raised itself off of the ground the beast letting out a growl as it rubbed its face. It stared at Nick now who had his aura on full display. "I... I've never seen someone with as much aura as you." It hissed out. "You're worth more than even a Steel Blood... What the hell are you?"

Nick circled his wrist as he twirled his wooden sword. He pointed it towards the bat like monster. "I've been told that by a lot of Mares... Again and again... Your kind has come after me. I'm a New Blood so I didn't get it at first. All I knew was I had to fight to survive. But... My father taught me a lesson. Never use a weapon to hurt others. So instead I took up this wooden sword! I discovered how to use my aura to make it stronger than a normal sword!"

"What kind of back story is that? Anything can be used as a weapon to hurt others! Just because your sword is wooden doesn't mean its not a sword!" The bat beast hissed out glaring at Nick.

Kale sighed folding his arms. "So then... I guess thats what you did huh." Kale said making a face. "Using aura you could make an object sharper, more durable, and physically heavier... Normally there is an extent to that though... But Nick... You just kept doing that over and over again... What an... idiotic way to get stronger... And yet... Somehow that worked... Its like through sheer dumb will you forced that wooden sword to be a weapon no other human could hope to make."

"Mares like you..." Nick announced taking a step forward. "You guys are something I hate most of all in this world!" He fired towards the Mare at a fast speed using aura to speed up his movement as he sliced out with his blade as hard as he could sending an actual gust of wind out from how hard he slashed the thing out. The Bat Mare's eyes went wide as it jumped into the air dodging the wind blade which sliced through several trees like a hot knife through butter.

"I... I shouldn't piss of Nick Ale, I suppose..." Cov hissed watching the battle from where he rested.

"Yeah... Nick could be trouble." Kale hummed crouched down next to Cov as he kept working on Cov's leg.

"You're not going to help him I suppose?"

"Well... 'I suppose' I'll jump in if I think he needs my help." Kale nodded.

"Rah!" The Bat Mare let out a loud roar its tongue darting out as its claws flew out at a high speed. "I'll devour you whole you damn brat!" It yelled out slashing out at Nick as fast as it could over and over again. Nick dodged many of the blows and blocked any he couldn't dodge with his blade. Despite being a mere wooden sword the the bat creatures claws actually cracked when they hit the blade sending waves of pain through the Mare as its eyes went wide. "T... This wood is harder then diamond! Even an adult Imp would struggle making wood as hard as iron! Who the hell are you-"

Nick sliced his wooden sword up as hard as he could severing the bat Mares arm off sending it flying high into the air as the limb twirled around and began falling to the ground. The Bat Mare stared at its right arm which was now gone with wide eyes.

"I told you. I'm nobody special. I'm just a New Blood who really, really, really, hates Mares!" Nick swung his sword out once but this time he missed as the bat Mares wings unfolded allowing it to get high into the air just in the nick of time dodging Nick's strike by the hair of his teeth.

"Damn you!" The Mare hissed out his jaw clenching. "Looks like I have to use my 'ability' then." It growled as its arm began to regrow.

"Your ability?" Nick frowned.

"You didn't know?" The Mare grinned his arm fully growing back. "The longer a Mare lives and eats the stronger it gets involving into higher forms. When this happens to us we can develop special powers!"


The Bat Mare began to fly down towards Nick at a high speed as its grin grew. Nick raised his sword up ready to try and block any attack that would come his way but before he could the Mare opened its mouth as wide as it could and screamed! A massive sonic boom escaped its mouth blasting out and slamming into Nick sliding the boy back through the grass as he let out a scream of his own and grabbed at his head attempting to block the loud noise. As he was doing this the Mare stopped its screaming for only a single as its claws sliced out and it tore Nick's shoulder open blood flowing down the kids shoulder as he hissed in pain.

The Mare did this a few more times screaming and then attacking Nick over and over again.

"D... Damn this hurts." Nick hissed out. "In that case..." Nick inhaled and then right as the Mare was about to reach him he screamed as loud as he could. "How do you like it!" Nick yelled just screaming his lungs off and raising his voice to as loud as he could get.

It didn't even stagger the Mare which snorted and screamed back sending Nick slamming down into the ground. The Bat Mare twisted its body and smashed its legs into Nick's stomach keeping him in place as it licked its lips. "Nice try kid. But your lungs and voice aren't nearly able to mimic a fraction of what I can do. You had a good run I'll admit. But at the end of the day prodigy or not you're still just a kid. In the end skills can't keep up with stealth attacks!"

"I couldn't agree with you more." Kale said making the Mares eyes go wide.

"Shit-" Before the Mare could move something slammed into its lower half splitting it in half making it howl in pain. Its wings unfolded and it began to fly up high into the air. "I'll get away and heal you damn brat-"

It saw it out of the corner of its eye.

A Metal string...

Before the Mare could even blink Kale slammed his arm down and the 'thing' slammed into the Mares back ripping its wing clean off. It smashed into the ground with a powerful force as it screamed in pain. It didn't have time to move as Kale placed his foot on its head and began to slowly press down. When the Mare looked up it saw Kale's weapon. Tied around his middle finger Kale had a metal yo-yo. The line of the yo-yo was made out of a steel and durable string that was almost so thin it was invisible, while the yo-yo itself was made out of a black stainless iron that was nearly unbreakable.

"A... A Yo-Yo?" The Mare gasped out. "You... You used to attack me from a distance... And with its weight-"

"Its a pretty dangerous toy that belonged to a friend of mine." Kale said twirling it around his middle finger. "Its weight various as I add my aura to it. Normally it weighs about 30ish pounds but when I infuse my aura into it I can push it to nearly three hundred pounds! Even more if I my eyes are in their red mode. The highest I ever got was 450 pounds. Something like that flying at you at a high speed would simply blow through whatever it hit."

"Damn you-"

Kale's eyes changed to a ruby red for a moment as he stepped down and the Mares head exploded the entire beast turning into smoke.

"Geez..." Nick said slowly standing back up.

Kale didn't say anything as his eyes faded back to normal and he pulled the Yo-Yo back into he sleeve. "And thats that. Now lets get those wounds of yours healed."

"What... What was that..." Nick frowned. "For a moment your eyes were red and your aura felt so much darker-"

"Who cares." Kale said stuffing his hands in his pocket as he moved towards Cov. "Lets focus on survival. I'm not dying in a place like this. Okay. Because no matter what." Kale reached up for a moment a smirk on his face as he balled his hand into a fist. "Because no matter what I'm going to be one of the ones who live till the end."