Air Ships And Beaches

'Scarlet Strings Of Destiny.'

Night Twenty Two...

Brave felt herself collapse onto the sandy beach as she let out a sigh.

Fate also dropped down but landed in a sitting position as she let out an equally heavy sigh. They had managed to run out the clock fighting through hordes of Mares that wanted to eat them. It wasn't that easy to live but they had done it.

They had to fight Mares, while also finding food to live off of. Using their aura they were able to boil water, or determine which food was good to eat. Even then though it hadn't been easy and they were pushed pretty far. Brave had an easier time due to living for a full month on a mountain and having to train there but it was still hard.

The trees moved slightly as Kale stepped out. "Oh thank God." Kale laughed as he looked around. "People I know lived!"

There were a few students all across the beach here and there all sort of just hanging out as the sun rose up. The Mares simply vanished as they ceased to exist. A few people were some of the ones Kale or Brave knew like Nick, or Cov, but then there were plenty of others. That said there honestly weren't that many students left.

It made Brave's stomach feel almost a little sick at the thought that so many people were no longer here.

"I'm glad to see that you're alive Kale." Fate sighed nodding to her brother.

"Hey sissy." Kale waved. "Hey Brave."

"Hi." Brave waved.

"So you two made it out huh." Kale asked walking over.

"Yeah. Turns out I'm better with a knife then I thought I would be." Brave frowned looking down at the combat knife she had tucked in her belt. "Speaking of which Kale? Uh. I don't see a Knife on you? What exactly is your weapon."

"Uh oh." Fate sighed.

"Oh that." Kale smirked whipping out a Yo-Yo from his sleeve. "Behold the power of my-"

Before Kale could show off his toy and or weapon, a great and heavy wind suddenly seemed to buzz out of nowhere blowing several girls long hair and making a few people even slide back slightly. The sky above them seemed to sparkle as something began to fly down from above them making them all look up with wide eyes.

Brave's eyes were also wide as she stared at what was coming down.

"Whoa. So cool!" Her and Kale yelled out.

Up above a large metal boat began to fly down from the pitch blue skies. The boat was large though not as massive as the one they had come on and it had large wings and blades that spun coming off of it. Not like a blimp or plane but something else. Some kind of large metal air ship. It was far too big and heavy for it to logically be able to float like it did and yet it somehow worked. As if it didn't even care about physics.

A few of the students were blown a little back as the sand flew around them and the thing slowly crashed down into the ocean sending out a massive wave of water that crashed down onto all the recruits and knocking them to the ground.

"Less cool." Kale said spitting out the water.

"Aww! Come on!" Brave whined shivering from all the water.

"We needed a shower..." Fate said flatly.

The air ship began to hum as the side of it began to open up and a large metal bridge slid out crashing down into the sandy beach as a wave of wind seemed to flow out.

All the recruits looked up as several people in black suits and black sunglasses began to step out of the ship followed by one more person.

"Wait!" Kale and Fate's eyes went wide. "But thats..." Kale frowned his fingers gripping around the Yo-Yo that he held. "That's..."

The last man to step out of the air ship wasn't like the others. For one he wasn't in a suit. Rather he wore long black robes that hugged around his body. He had silver messy hair and a silver beard as well as a single light blue eye. The other eye he had was covered by a black eye patch. He had a walking cane and his single eye looked over everyone that rested down below.

"Hello everyone." The elder man smiled. "My name is Venefectus. And I'm the Captain of Squad One. I'll be taking you all to your next destination."


Brave felt a frown on her face as she eyed Kale and Fate up. The two Steel Bloods seemed to be almost glaring at the strange old man.

Nobody had said a word as the man led them to the air ship. It was massive and filled with many rooms. They all stood in the center as the man stood on a platform above them looking down at them all.

"Alright everyone." The old man announced giving a smile. "We'll be arriving at the final testing zone in around thirty three hours. Until then you're all free to go anywhere on this ship. There are bed rooms, kitchens, shower rooms, and changing rooms. You can do whatever you want on this ship until we arrive. I'd also recommend getting a good nights sleep before the test as you'll need it. You're all free to go until then!"

Several of the students seemed to slowly wander off many likely going to shower, eat, or sleep.

Kale remained where he was as he stared at the elder man who remained standing. The string of Kale's Yo-Yo wrapped around his finger as he began to let it go. He pulled his arm back slowly as he got ready to throw it forward but before he could even try hands wrapped around his wrist.\

"Hey Kale!" Brave said excitedly holding onto his wrist and dragging him away.

"Ahh! What?"

"This place is so cool let's explore it!"


"Brave?" Fate frowned. "I'll come with you-"

"Nah. I hung out with you all last test. I want to hang out with Kale." Brave said flatly making Fate numbly fall back due to a broken heart.

Fate watched as Brave dragged Kale off as a frown crossed onto her face. "Did... Did she know Kale was about to attack Venefectus and stopped him?"


Fate nearly jumped when she heard the voice. She looked up finding the elder man was now standing next to her. "O... Oh sir!"

"Greetings Ms. Williams." Captain Venefectus said giving a light smile. "Mind if we talked?"