The new girl's target

Sandra's House.


Sandra picked her cardigan and walked out of the house with the others after their classes.

''You would go with Gideon, right, Berth?'' Sandra asked Bertha.

''Yeah, sure''

''That leaves Ayah and Clara. Clara stays a few blocks away from here, so I can walk her home. That leaves you, Ayah'' Sandra turned and didn't see Inayah, ''where is Ayah?''

''I will take Ayah home'' Noah said and turned to look at Inayah who was now coming out of the house.

''What? Did I miss something?'' Inayah asked when she saw them looking at her.

''Noah is taking you home'' Clara spoke.

''I have someone coming to take me home'' Inayah declared and everyone turned to look at her.

''I think I know who. Then, that leaves me with you, Noah. Sandra, you don't need to walk me home anymore''

''I guess''

''Right, let me get you guys some of the cupcakes my mom baked this afternoon'' Sandra rushed back into the house.