When the tables suddenly turn...

''I think everyone is interested in knowing too. Are you sleeping with an older man or not? You always acted so pure and look down on people. Now, everyone must be interested in knowing the truth''

''No, I am not''

''Really? Are you sure of your answer?'' Seal opened her bag and took out a picture. ''Then, what is this then?''

This was a picture of Inayah getting into Jasper's car in front of Sandra's house. It was the night they had the group studies at Sandra's.

Sandra snatched the picture and looked at it. ''Where did you get this from?'' she asked Seal.

At that moment, everyone's phones buzzed. The students all took their phones and opened to see the several photos of Ayah and Jasper. Jasper's face was blurred and edited a little to make him look a lot older than he was.

''You entered a Bentley in front of Sandra's house two days ago. Everyone knows you don't have a family, so who is this grown man?'' Seal asked.