A pretend girlfriend

Miss. Gladys House.

''What did you say to him? I'm sure it wasn't easy convincing him'' Miss Gladys asked as the girls helped her in the kitchen. Inayah had gone over to her place early the next morning.

''I just told him I would get wasted if he doesn't go with me. He didn't have any option anyways''

Clara clapped her hands. ''Wow!!! Ayah, you are more capable than I thought. Mom, I think she did more than tell him she was going to get wasted''

Mrs. Gladys turned to look at Inayah and asked, ''did you do something with him?''

''No, aunt. I didn't, do anything. Can we drop this already? Aunt, tell us. How was your trip?''

''It was wonderful. I might have also met someone there?'' Miss Gladys's voice became a little soft and she looked happy.

''Who did you meet?'' Clara asked.

''Aunt, this person is a man, right?''

''Mm, yes. I met a man''

''Mom, you have a boyfriend?''