I was scared

Miss. Gladys' House.

''My babe, is this really you? Are you really back? Do you know how much I missed you?'' Miss Gladys hugged Inayah before touching her face.

''Aunt…'' Inayah's eyes teared up as she looked at Miss Gladys.

''Yes, is me your aunt. Tell me, how was it? Was it hard finding us?'' Gladys pulled her to the couch and they sat down.

''It wasn't at all. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I finally reunited with all of you''

''I am the one who is glad. My child. I thought I lost you forever. Thank God, you are here again''

''Are you well?'' Inayah looked at Gladys. She could vaguely remember her.

''Yes, of course. Tell me, how are they people who took care of you?''

''They are good people aunt''

''Thank God. I am so happy you're back''

''How is life with Jasper? Is he good to you?''

''Mom, my boss was good to Ayah even before what happened. He treasures her even more now, right Ayah?''