Growing closer through crisis

''Why can't I go out and tell them I am his wife?'' Inayah glared at Sandra. She and Nick were preventing her from going out to meet with the reporters but Inayah felt that she needed to go and speak with them. She felt a little insecure after finding out who Amanda was. Compared to her, she had nothing but Amanda was considered more compatible with Jasper. She hated to admit it but even she thought same.

''It's dangerous, Ayah. Jasper said he is on his way. Let's wait until he comes, please''

''Who is that woman anyway? Doesn't she know that he is married?''

''Your marriage was a secret and that too, it was five years ago. Except for us, the public doesn't know he is married. He is doing this for your own good, Ayah. The moment the public becomes aware of you, then, they will start investigating about you and a lot of things will get complicated. Let him protect you. He is the man''

''I don't even know what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way?''