A wonderful life of bliss

''I heard he left that old company because he refused to use cheap materials for a school building project?'' Jasper asked.

''Mm, that's true. My family is not exactly rich but we are not poor either. My parents taught me to be honest and truthful at all times. My father is an honest man and always wants to do his work well. He refused to sign papers for the company to purchase low quality materials and so they laid him off. With help from my mother, he started his own construction company but it hasn't been successful''

''I looked into his previous works and I see potential in him''

''My father was so happy that you decided to look at his project proposal. Thank you so much''

''This is the least I can do. He is worth it, eat the food''

''Eat, Aurora'' Inayah added.


The next day…

Benson's house.

Inayah and Jasper followed Aurora into the house when they arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Benson were already waiting anxiously for them.