I'm sorry I came late...

At the underground park, Miss Jane and her men arrived along with the police. They got down from the car and rushed inside the casino.

''Dominic, take the left side of the casino, search every room. Lee, take the right side. The rest follow me. mom, you can just watch and enjoy the show, '' Zen said to his mother after taking charge after taking down the man at the door.

''Yes, my precious son. Take care'' Miss Jane smiled and turned to the police, ''you can do your work. I just want the girl. You can take everyone else here, Detective Wales''

''On it, Mrs. Roberts''

''I prefer Miss Jane'' Jane muttered and pouted her lips. She followed the police inside the casino.

Unbeknownst to the events taking place outside, the leader of the gang was busy f*cking Ailee inside the dressing room. They were making loud noises while a few men stood guard outside.

''You like the way daddy is giving it to you?''

''Yes, daddy, give it to me deeper''