
When Purple entered she saw Carolina pacing about in the hall and she called her. 'Carolina, why are you here? I thought you were at the party''

''Purple, you are finally here. Why didn't you answer your phone, I called several times?''

''I'm sorry, I went to meet someone important so I kept my phone on mute''

''Hurry, let's go and get you changed into something. Zen is waiting for you''

''Why? Did something happen?''

''No, but he said the party could only start if you are present. My aunt invited a lot of prestigious people but he doesn't even care about them. He just wants you present'' Carolina pulled Purple into her room.

''I need to shower first. I am sweating''

''Alright, hurry up then. I will go and bring your outfit, it's in my room''

''Okay'' Purple stood up from the bed and went to her bathroom while Carolina went to get the dress.
