"Why in the world are we here?" Tanya asked, as she gave out a confused look towards Yadhu.
"To meet Hanuman." Yadhu spoke, which brought more confusion into the camp.
They were right in front of a temple—a Hanuman temple, in fact. So, they were confused. They didn't know if the guy was pulling their leg or if he brought them here for a purpose.
"What do you mean to meet Hanuman? You said he would be in the Himalayas, right?" Tanya asked.
"Hmm... did I, now?" Yadhu asked back as he walked towards the temple.
"What is he doing?" Tanya mumbled in frustration.
"Can't you see? He's entering the temple. I mean, how blind can you be for not seeing something like that?" Zinbad shrugged his head as he followed Yadhu.
When Zinbad followed, everyone else followed suit. Tanya was reluctant at first, but she didn't want to be left out, so she followed them as well.