
"What in the world are you speaking of? Like, not human? What the heck, dude?" Tanya asked, as she took turns looking at Zinbad and Addison."Wait, if you mean it like my situation where you were human to begin with and then you got changed into a vampire or whatever it is, say it that way." She spoke.

"No, no. I wasn't a human to begin with." Addison spoke.

"Huh… Like, what are you then? An alien? Look, I didn't expect to indulge in science fiction when I entered into the myth talk. No, no. Now that I think about it, you could be a God as well, right? Like, they aren't humans as well." Tanya shrugged.

"I'm not God, Tanya. If I was, I could've easily stopped you back when you aimed that gun at Zinbad. It wasn't that I could've stopped you, but didn't. It was just that I couldn't spare the energy to do such a thing." She spoke.