"Abel? Abel?" Judas waved his hand over his son's as he apparently went on a trance for a second or two.
"Huh?" Abel snapped back when he heard his father call out for him.
"Dude, what happened? I mean, you were out for quite some time, you know? Like, if you're worried that I found it offensive that you said what you said, I'll tell ya that I didn't find it anything like that. I've been hearing it for a long time, you see. So, I wouldn't get that sad when I hear it." Judas gave out an awkward laughter as he said that.
However, Abel felt a bit guilty as he heard his father said that. It was never his intention to actually hurt him by saying that. He didn't actually hate Judas, he simply liked pissing him off. But he didn't expect him to actually feel this sad when he mentioned the Jesus incident.
"Umm, I'm sorry." Abel spoke, hoping that it would salvage something.