The feeling of worthwhileness

After having that brief conversation with the allies, Zinbad left them and went ahead by himself. He had no clear idea of what to do. He was just clueless at that point. He looked around, but felt like he had nothing worthwhile to do. In the end, he had his eyes set at a really tall building in the vicinity and decided to climb on top of it. And it was rather easy for him to do.

Once he climbed the building, he closed his eyes and felt the wind grazing through his face. It was quite the nice feeling, to the point that he felt as if that was the most productive thing he did since getting there.

"Oh, you were here as well, huh?" A voice was heard from behind which pretty much freaked him out that he was just about to fall off from the tall structure. It wouldn't have been that harmful considering that he had previously survived diving from a plane with no parachute, but it was heart stopping nonetheless.