"Umm, Zinbad? Can we talk?" Just as Judas left, his son came in to see him.
"Abel! Hey! How are you? And what did I do for you to pay me this visit?" Zinbad smiled as he said that.
"Nah, more than what you did, it's more like what my father did. I came here to apologise for what he did." Abel spoke.
"Ah, don't bother. We already made up." Zinbad replied.
"Huh?" Abel was a bit confused when he heard that.
"It is as I said. We made up." Zinbad spoke.
"Wow, that's… so quick?" Yet again, Abel looked confused as heck.
"It's just a simple misunderstanding. So, it was rather easy to resolve, if you ask me." Zinbad replied.