Resurrected Sassy Pet

His body was shaking.

After what seemed like hours, Laven finally regained consciousness, but nothing really changed.

The pain was still there. He felt like claws were ripping out life from his chest, he could feel his pulsation getting faster. Pressure on the heart made him think that it would burst any moment due to this 'over-vigorous' activity.

"Something is doing this!" he couldn't think of any other possible reason. Having met with strange creatures in an unpleasant way moments ago, it wasn't impossible for an unknown invisible creature to be attacking him now.

He felt as if a part of him was being sucked out. It was like undergoing a serious surgery that determined whether he'll live or not, without getting injected with anaesthetic.

The pain felt like it was never going to let him go.

Seconds passed, followed by minutes. It wasn't deteriorating, instead it was increasing drastically.

"Help!" the unbearable pain couldn't be endured anymore.

No one came to help. He was in a room that was quite deep inside. His cry was as loud as a whisper, making it impossible for the others to hear.

Not knowing what was happening to him, Laven was in a state of mess. He had lost control of his body but he could still use his five senses. However, there was a difference that was impossible to ignore. His sensibility increased in an unexplainable but noticeable way.

Sounds of the Incendors speaking could be heard.

"He looks like in a rush"

"Can we raise him, the Incendor-style?"

"He doesn't have the fire element ability nor is he too young to be raised up like a pure Incendor"

"But he's surely not an adult!"

"Master will get mad"

"I want to eat"

"Surely, not Young Master!"

"Of course not! I'm a loyal being!"

"He likes me! Did you see the way he looked at me just now?" that voice was recognisable, it belonged to their leader.

Their conversation which was filled with ridiculous and peculiar statements didn't bother Laven, but what really bothered him was his capability to hear conversations from that far.

There were only two possibilities, it was either they were approaching the room or Laven had developed super hearing skills that enables him to hear them talking in the passageway he ran away from earlier.

The former seemed possible, the latter was highly unlikely in human perspective but was induced to be accepted to serve as a pleasing self pride.

The pain increased to a point that made Laven think of suicidal thoughts. He couldn't bear it anymore, it felt as if the pain itself would end up killing him.

It was too much.

In that state of misery, he felt something cool dropping down his cheeks. Laven knew that he was crying, though he didn't want to.

Not much time was given to him to flounder about why he was crying unwillingly when a sudden upward thrust forced his body to move into an upright sitting position. It was then when he saw that his tears were red in colour, it was blood that came from his eyes. There were drops of them on his hands.

The pain felt like it was at its peak. It was not likely to stop even if it reaches its peak. Another sharp pain was felt, it came from the back accompanied by a few 'cracking sounds'. Aware that it was his backbone, he tried to wriggle but he couldn't move his body.

He fell flat onto the floor, limply. He couldn't feel anything, the body was shaking on its own.

Laven was puzzled. The pain had suddenly disappeared. Now, he was feeling senseless emptiness, in terms of pain. His other senses remained functioning.

It felt as if he missed the pain, although a few seconds ago, he himself had been hoping that he would be released from that unbearable misery as soon as possible.

An absurd thought came into his mind, he missed that feeling of pain, the one which tortured him and made him feel like he was approaching his expiry date. Did it indirectly make him bond with it?

Laven couldn't even feel his body lying on the ground. He could move his eyes, but he wasn't able to feel his body. Losing the ability to sense pain and touch, he layed there feeling like he was afloat in the air.

His mind was neither in the conscious nor unconscious state. Instead, he felt subconscious in an odd way.

Fate didn't let him rest or stay subconscious for long.

Something was moving away in an unnaturally curved line beside him, it caught his attention. He wasn't able to tilt his head to get a clear view of it. After staring for a while at the strange scene, he noticed what it was.

It was his tears. Blood tears.

The tears were moving away but Laven couldn't roll his eyes further to see where it was flowing. It seemed as if something was attracting it, or perhaps sucking it. There was no other possible way for it to be able to flow so neatly towards something on a flat surface.

More red water started to form in his eyes, causing his vision to become blurry. A stream of tears were running down his cheeks. He was thinking hard about what was happening to him.

Then, realisation struck him. He was paralyzed. He had learnt it in Science before. Cloey had given a detailed explanation to him too.

Unable to control body parts is subsequent to backbone damage, but that was only one of the possible causes. Nerve damage, motor neurone diseases and many more can be potential underlying causes as well.

It was the worst thing to happen to him at this moment, especially when he feels like he's being attacked without mercy. He was in a state where he can't do anything besides waiting for the danger to approach him and maybe finish him off. There was one good thing that made him feel a bit relieved. No matter how terribly wounded he gets, he couldn't feel the pain.

He wanted to cry now, but he didn't have to put in much effort as tears were already rolling down his cheeks in the form of blood.

Orbs that were the only source of light in the room were suddenly put out. The surrounding turned into an area of utter darkness.

'Another shock,' Laven was no longer worried. As long as he didn't feel the pain, he was relaxed. He had already lost hope of fighting back. In this condition, it was unimaginable to do so with his paralyzed body.

His gaze was lost in the vast ocean of darkness. The peaceful feeling didn't last long.

There were suddenly two red circles that popped up in front of him. The sudden appearance startled Laven. When he stared at it for a while, he noticed two smaller black circles twinkling in it.

He realised that it was a pair of mesmerising eyes that belonged to an unknown form of living organism.

The orbs lit up again, filling the room with sufficient light for him to recognise what was laying on him.

It was a black cat. The dead animal that he found in the freezer.

Laven got shocked but he couldn't feel the fast pulsation he usually would get when he encounters such situations.

'But it was dead just now!' Laven wasn't able to express his astonishment out loud.

The black cat remained locking its gaze with his.

"Are you scared?" it placed a paw on his cheek. It sounded like a female.

Another shock for Laven.

'It talked. What kind of mental therapy have my parents prepared for me?!!' he was screaming internally.

"In case you're wondering, yes I can talk. I'll be your little fluffy kitty," it smiled showcasing its fangs, thinking it was cute.

'Kitty... You look like a grown buffalo...maybe a smaller version of a panther....' (Laven's thought)

He couldn't exactly guess the size of it but from the front view, it had covered the area from his left shoulder to the right one. That was definitely not a normal cat's size.

"Why aren't you speaking? It's funny that you look so miserable," it sniffed him.

'You can feel my pain by sniffing me?!' Laven plainly laughed in his mind. He had already lost his mind after meeting creatures with only heads, intense pain and now, a cat that talks. However, a talking cat was less scarier than living beings without bodies.

The black creature looked at Laven intensely. Its eyes turned black, it's red iris started glowing brightly.

It leaped backwards, scrutinising Laven from head to toe. It's size was indeed large and it had thick fluffy fur. Laven couldn't understand what it was trying to do.

"I see, broken bones, torn muscles and damaged nerves. No wonder you aren't moving, you must be paralyzed because of these, especially your back bone. You must be wild!" it looked pretty shocked itself.

The black creature pounced back onto Laven. Luckily, he couldn't feel it's heavy body on him or that pounce would have caused terrible stomach ache, he guessed.

It stretched it's front legs until they touched Laven's head. It gave him a gentle head massage, which made Laven feel relaxed. He slowly drifted away into an unknown state. He was hypnotized.

He felt vibrations going through his body. It seemed as if he was able to feel every single thing in his body, from his eyes, heart, backbone till the soles of his feet. The strong connection between him and his body could be felt. Right now, he didn't have the desire to think about anything else besides enjoying the serene emptiness felt.

A sudden slap snapped Laven to reality.

He retrieved his sense back and could feel his back against the wall. Surprisingly, he could feel the cat that was sitting on him too but it wasn't as heavy as he thought.

Laven opened his mouth trying to see if he was able to talk again.

"My mouth," a wide grin spread onto his face.

"You're welcome," the cat spoke.

"Oh, sorry. Thank you," he smiled sheepishly. Whatever that cat did, it had helped him to get back to his normal state or maybe so.

"Who...I mean you were dead just now," he was still shocked though.

"Looks like you aren't happy to see me alive, Young Master. I can assure you that I'm a good cat," it replied in an annoyed tone.

Laven didn't know how to respond. He had no clue on what he should do either. It looked like he had experienced a hundred years of life in just just a few minutes.

He raised his upper body, causing the black creature to move to the floor.

"You're not a cat," he blurted out of suspicion.

"Meowwww.... Do you believe me now?" it gently placed a paw on his hand.

The black cat reached for a piece of paper that was abandoned near the freezer with its tail and slid it near them. It's tail was really long for a cat.

"I guess there's more," it said staring emotionlessly at Laven.

The piece of paper was actually the letter with crucial instructions for him to follow.

His hand picked it up. The instructions were read out loud.

"Step 8: I'm so sorry honey, but it's for the best. No PAIN, no GAIN. Now, you have try to get along with your new pet. Ask her what she likes and dislikes. Take care of her the way you would have took care of your sister if you had one. Both of you share a very strong bond. You will understand what this is about soon. I didn't erase her memory so she would probably remember my last words to her before being 'life-bernated'. You can read the book for more information. Anyone who calls you Young Master is harmless and trustable."

Of course, he didn't get what was going on at all. Earlier, he was correct when he assumed the cat was a female based on its voice. His sight fell on the black cat, that remained staring at him.

"What's your name?" Laven asked slowly.

"You can give me one if you like," it looked excited and came nearer to him.

"Resurrected Little Tiger?" he squeezed his brain for ideas.

"Too weird," it complained.

"Talking Cat?" he hoped that it was alright.

"Too plain," it looked bored.

"Kitty Potty Long Tail," he smiled hoping that it would like it.

"Outlandishly fancy. You're terrible at this!" it raised its paw and leaned it's head at the back of it, acting like it was going to faint.

The cat looked dramatic to Laven, which gave him another idea, "How about Drama Queen?"

"I know that I'm extraordinarily talented in acting and am capable of becoming a well known actress, but that doesn't mean I tolerate people who make rude remarks," her accent was filled with moderate arrogance.

'A cat becoming a famous actress?' Laven teased her in his mind. He tried hard to stifle his laugh.

He got back to his work of finding a nice name for his new pet.

"Bora?" a name suddenly popped into his brain.

"Hmmm.... Not too shabby!" it liked the name.

"Then, Bora it is!" it exclaimed.

"I love you and hate anyone who harms you, and Master of course," Bora said.

Laven looked at her, confused.

"Well, I saved your time by answering the question you were supposed to ask me. Duhhh?" it moved its paw in a curved manner downwards. She was indeed a Drama Queen!

"Now, I have to show you to Aunt Shelly," he was trying to make up excuses to be told to his aunt later. Well, the cat couldn't just simply fall from the sky and land in his room.

"Master said that we should go through the book together. If you're wondering which one of your parents is Master, it's your mum. Anyway, we have some things to test out. It's unclear in which race you lie under yet." Bora gave a slightly detailed explanation.

"Race?" Laven questioned.

"In other words, your species. Do you want me to give you a lecture on taxonomy?" it got slightly bored.

It took Laven aback when Bora talked about taxonomy.

"Let's get out of here first. I want to have a hot bath," Bora went to the door.

"For what? Don't cats hate water? " Laven cocked his head.

"Not all," she cocked her head in return.

"Girlzzz," Laven said while acting out a girlish style.

"What do you know about girls?" she gave him the 'answer-if-you-dare' look.

"I'm sorry," he raised his hands up in surrender.

'Gosh, I wonder what's gonna happen to me! My new pet is sassy,' Laven opened the door and let Bora go out first.