Calling the Cops

Sobbing sounds were heard from the other side of the call. The boy kept on sobbing and repeatedly asked himself "Why? Why?".

The cat sensed that something was wrong. She felt a bit disturbed by his attitude. It caused the feeling of an emotion she wasn't used to.


"We're stuck at I don't know where. There's this thing chasing us. I'm scared, we both are. I heard her scream just now, but I'm not sure if it was her.... I don't want to be sure," his sentences were gapped with frequent sobs. He sounded like going half mad.

'He's in danger. He used this thing to talk to Young Master. I can't tell him he's talking with his pet' (Bora's thought)

"You are speaking to Laven. I forgot my father's name. Will ask my mother later," she squeezed her brain, thinking of the proper words to say. It wasn't easy feat to talk naturally like someone else.

"Laven!" his voice sounded rather surprised.

After a short pause, he spoke again.

"Why are you trying to mimic a boy? I thought that I would never be able to listen to your voice in this generation!" he exclaimed.

"Do you expect a boy to talk in a girl's voice?" Bora snapped at him.

"Surprising, but your sentences are a bit too funny. Please don't play around hoping to prank me! We're in danger! Unfortunately, fate made me call you," a helpless sigh was heard.

"Silly boy or whatever you are! A girl's name pops up and a boy talks. Then, the crazy person requests for Young Master and is expecting for a girl talk?!" she sighed placing her paw on her forehead, not realising that the thought she got had accidentally been said aloud.

"What? I didn't get you! A missing person calls you and you play so cool! You're the worst friend in the world. It's me Peter, the one who didn't know the difference between a bird and a chicken! Cloey and I are stuck in an abandoned building!" he cried and even risked his pride by trying to remind the wrong person of him, which he did not know.

Bora's eyes widened. Two of her doubts got cleared, the reason behind the pitch of the voice and the trembling words uttered.

'Missing person! That sounds serious!' (Bora's thought)

"Listen kid. I'm listening," after realising what she had blurted out, she covered her mouth with her paw.

"We're dead." he spoke, his voice a bit stabilised.


"Listen! You must know by now that we went missing. We have actually been kidnapped. Most probably the kidnapper and the one chasing us now are different, but the one we're being chased by is a werewolf! The one in fantasy movies! Cloey is risking her life for this. I need to get help. Please help! And we're dead. It managed to kill us and probably had a great feast. But now, it's after our souls. I don't want to let her down. You're our only hope. Lav-"

The boy gasped. Bora knew that it wasn't because of her.

A loud thump was heard, followed by a series of unidentifiable noise. Panting sounds were heard as if the other person was lacking oxygen. A loud girly scream pierced through the stiff atmosphere, causing Bora to flinch.

She could feel her 'cat heart' racing. A thousand questions came into mind. How was she going to help?

"Wait, please tell me what a werewolf is!" she beckoned. As the pet of a sourceror's successor, it was her duty to obey her Masters, defend them, fight beside them and protect their names from being tarnished. This was not only the question of dignity, but also a stepping stone that can help Laven level up.

"Most probably you would have to get someone who is gifted to see people in their afterlife. Try to enter the third dimension I guess. Time is ticking. We don't know for how long we can put up. It's-" his fast explanation was cut off by the scream of a frightened boy. Loud stomps seemed to repeat themselves in a strange way, followed by the sound of scratches. To Bora, hearing the sound itself caused her to feel as if someone was ripping her apart. It tickled her ears in an unwanted way.

The black cat felt herself panting. The last time she faced a news that wrecked her heart pace was when Master, Laven's mother told her about her last minute run away plan. The scream reminded her of the time when Phlentine almost lost her finger to a rogue magician.

Waking up and facing reality was hard. Especially, when unwanted things repeat in the same fashion.

Despite her life-bernation, her prior memories with Phlentine were still glued-tact except for the ones with the sorcerer, be it her mother or father which have been erased on purpose.

The call got disconnected. Without thinking twice, she jumped off the bed and hurried to the bathroom. Steam was evaporating out from the door that was left open slightly.

"Young Master, I spoke to Peter, but the name on that thing was Cloey. They went missing right?" she asked in a worried tone.

Laven who was filling the tub with water that was heated to a suitable temperature immediately switched off the pump and closed the water source, fearing that he had heard his pet wrongly. His eyes blinked at her in a confused gaze, indirectly requesting her to repeat what she had just said.

"Either the wrong name appeared or the boy who spoke to me stole a girl's 'I don't know what that thing is called', he said that both of them are in danger. Kidnapped, dead, werewolf after souls, danger, let's go!" she tried to explain everything in the shortest way possible.

He couldn't believe his ears.

"Who, what, when, where, why, how? Explain EVERYTHING!" he answered in a similar manner, demanding thorough explanation.

Bora let out a sigh of frustration. She explained everything the boy had said from A to Z.

Laven's eyes widened with tears filling them. Sadness filled his heart, for the information given sounded like the script of a fantasy drama play but the topic was very sensitive. In order to make sure his pet wasn't simply trying to fool around with him, he hurried to the bed. His jaw dropped looking at the mattress, which had claw marks on them. He grimaced at Bora, the cat tried to put on a cute face to cover her fault.

He felt pressured and decided to lecture her on discipline when time permits. There was finally news about Cloey and Peter's whereabouts, which would be useful to trace them and he definitely ain't going to miss it.

His hands immediately reached for the phone. Luckily, the screen wasn't scratched. After viewing the call history, Laven's heart started to pick up pace. His pet hadn't lied, but the things it said were bizarre.

"So, you can read?" he looked at her in astonishment.

"He said he's dead?" he asked another question without allowing Bora to answer the first one.

Bora nodded.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" he sat down on the floor.

"What is a ghost?" she asked him with a confused look.

Laven leaned his head on the bed.

'Oh great' (Laven's thought)

"I'm sorry that I don't know a lot about the form of lives. There's a reason behind it all," she spoke slowly, her heart heavy with guilt.

Bora tried her best to give meticulous and comprehensible details to him.

Pets of sorcerors will be passed down through the same family generation. The whole family may lay claim to it and has the right to nourish it, but the loyalty of the pet will only be gifted to one, the descendant with the special blood. Though there may be two or even three at one time, the sourceror has to decide when to erase the pet's memory of him or her and pass it on to the successor. The ones whose veins are filled with blood capable of harnessing extraordinary power, and ultimately able to level up to reach a high level are dubbed the 'Pinnacle Magicians' of the Light Sovereign. However, it takes a long time and intense training for a sorceror to truly master his or her power.

When a sorcerer thinks that it is about time he or she steps down from one's glorious capability and is ready to train the successor, the pet's memory will be fully erased using a potion known as the 'Entity Erasor'. In order to activate it, a drop of the sorceror's blood will be dropped into the potion bottle. Once it changes colour to that which is similar to the sorceror's power, it will be given to the pet. All memories of the living and deceased will be erased, making room for the special bond the pet will soon share with the successor.

"That sounds complicated," he stared with a blurred expression.

"There's more yet to come," she sighed.

"I guess Peter didn't call the cops because they wouldn't believe him," Laven's brain had finally understood the mentality of his peer.

"Do you? Probably he got traumatised and blurted out random things," she scoffed. Bora knew that Peter's voice held truth in terms of wariness but his words weren't plausible.

Laven furrowed his brows, his mind was racing on what move would be the best for them.

"Aha!" he suddenly remembered a crucial information.

Laven can track her phone. He had an app that enabled him to do so. Since they became best friends, they have enabled each of their phones to be tracked by each other. The measure was originally planned by Cloey, who cared about safety a lot although she denies it every time someone asks her.

He instantly got to work. Once successfully identifying the location, his lips sagged a bit. To his dismay, the place was really far from their current residency. It was a place he hadn't heard of before.

There was no way for him to reach the place within the next 12 hours. What will he tell Aunt Shelly? That their dead, so please bring him there to save their souls?

That was conspicuously impossible in terms of making Aunt Shelly agree.

He had to figure out another way.

'Perhaps, the cops wouldn't trust him if told them so. But what if I tell them a twisted version of it?' (Laven's thought)

Swiftly dialling the emergency line, he prayed to not mess up this chance.

"000. What's your emergency?"

"Peter. Cloey. The two Lambwell High School students that went missing recently, I know where they are," he didn't pause to breathe.

"Ok, I'm gonna need your details but first, tell us the location and how you came across this information."

"No.1, Crow Street, Panomela Reaves. That's the only info I got. In the map, it seems to be in a remote place, but I'm surprised that the street is named," his stomach did turn ups.

The server kept mum for a few seconds before continuing, "Sir, that place is strictly protected by the military base.The government had issued bans for people to not travel there. Trespassing is strictly not allowed. The place is deemed unsuitable for humans to inhabit. Are you certain of the given location?"

"They called me. I'm able to track Cloey's phone. But Peter spoke, he said they're in danger. Please help them!" he really hoped that they would trust his words.

"Why did they call you but not 000?" the server sounded suspicious.

"BECAUSE I'M THEIR FRIEND!" he bellowed.

"Ok, relax sir. Information has been sent but we're gonna need your cooperation. Can I have your name, address-"

Laven disconnected the call. He didn't expect it to go this way.

"The place itself sounds dangerous. I don't think the cops are buying it," he looked sad.

He had to find another way, one that would enable him to trespass a land protected by the military. In this case, even Aunt Shelly wouldn't be able to help.

"Can I do anything with this?" he showed the ring, looking pleadingly at Bora while standing up.

"I don't know," she replied, looking down at the ground.

Though he knew that it wasn't her fault, he couldn't do much to suppress the hot lava inside. His hands curled into fists and he striked the mirror, shattering it to pieces.

"You said that I don't have special blood. From the room, I could hear the Incendors' chit chatting. You said I broke my spinal cord, my nerves were damaged.... Do you have the faintest idea on how painful that was? The creature's, they don't have bodies but luckily I haven't gone mad yet. Then, you can talk and read!" he was lashing out on Bora, though he knew that it was cruel.

Twisted doubts arised in his mind, he wondered on how his mentality was still stable after all that.

Throughout his emotional outburst, Bora didn't dare to mutter a single word. She was disappointed for not being able to help. For the first time in her life, she felt useless.

"Young Master, you said that you can hear..." she mustered up her courage to clear her new doubt.

Laven looked at her, eyes still filled with fume but his lips were shut closed.

"You mean you could hear them speak from that room we were in?" her voice clearly spoke of her astonishment.

"Yes," he stated plainly.

Her eyes widened as if she had witnessed a spectacular scene and her jaw parted down.

"That's all?" she asked with hope.

"It's hard to explain. I feel a change in myself," he looked to the side.

Slight burning sensations were felt on his hand. He took a look at it and noticed blood flowing out rapidly.

He huffed at the thought of cleaning the big wound. Bora on the other hand remained staring at him, noticing the change in his hair.

It was slowly turning red.

She hurried in front of him and looked into his eyes for the final confirmation.

"You are the descendant with special blood and the best part is, your blood isn't locked!" her words were uttered slowly in awe, while staring back at his now red irises.

*******Hi everyone. Thank you for reading my story and for voting. Please vote for my book.... let's try to climb the ladder of ranks!!! I know it's a bit ambitious but I'm willing to improve for the best. Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting. Your support is my motivation!!!
