
Did I ever mention how bad of an author I am?

I didn't?...

Oh my... please read the news...

My life is damn messed up. Actually, it's just me doing the messing. At least the book part. I have time to write for those wondering but that's on my phone that I use for all other important stuff. And as you all know the phone is evil it makes us procrastinate and for me, it makes me read other people's work and not write mines...

Really messed up I know.

Anyways... the news is:

I didn't write on my phone waiting for the laptop to charge with the limited time and my other siblings who take it whenever and just eat up the charge *sigh*. School has started and my life schedule is also f*cked up so don't expect anything from me. The least you can expect from me is getting chapters up in the due time. Not possible.


There are no goddamn regular updates people. My chapters are in the process of getting written with limited time and brian supply so the only guarantee I can give for the time being is...

all chapters will be updated by this month before Sep. 30 when the contest ends. (You don't need to tell me I know I suck at being an author or being competitive...) On regular release days, I promise to release AT LEAST one chapter and if possible the missed chapters. Please disregard all the other announcements I've written because as I just mentioned I'm a horrible author that goes around breaking my words. Do forgive me. Don't hate on my book for me because the book is innocent.

I still love you guys and hopefully I pull all my crap together before anything else happens, okie?

P.S Feel free to let me know how much of a crappy author I am. I deserve it. Peace out~