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Moans resonated around the hotel rooms as Sophia searched around for the evidence. Her maid dress and her tiny actions made her seem as though she was a very sassy maid that liked to pretend to be the master of the house and do little to no work.

Sophia had sneakily made her way to the master bedroom that was to the right of the living room and opposite of the room that they were in just now.

The door was locked with a key and a passcode which passed very little security for the wonderful evidence that Sophia was about to collect. According to Sophia that was.

Sophia pulled out a pair of gloves from her maid apron pocket and started typing away on the lock.

Within five seconds the lock was hacked and unlocked and only the lock with the physical key remained. She directly pulled out the key she had picked up from Ezra and inserted it in the keyhole. The door clicked open.