Chapter 14

Someone slams me up against the wall and my eyes wince from the pain as my head connects to the brick and a familiar voice does a shout whisper, "You bitch! I told you that if you share any information with that prosecutor you'd be sorry."

Why would I have to take a guess with that statement; I wince from the pain in the back of my head."No. I will not let you continue to blame me for your choices. Amy, Aquila and Lucas are not in my hands, you're getting exactly what you deserve."

Quinton's eyebrows furrow, "Who do you think you are— God?"

"No. Someone who wants justice for the crimes you committed and you are going to get just deserves."

He aggressively puts his forearm against my throat, my body plunged against the wall indefinitely, as a small gasp escapes from my throat for air, "Kemille— you're an idiot. I should just kill you here and now."

Placing my hand over his arm, trying to create space between his arm and my neck, "Sure. Go ahead, it wouldn't be the first time I've heard you say these words spring from your mouth."

His eyes bore into mine like daggers as he fights to push his arm against my throat, Quinton eventually lets his arm up from against my throat saying, "You've made a mistake, but I seriously hope that you don't forget this little moment. You and Lucas will suffer— especially you." When he lets up a cough escapes from my mouth as I place my hand on my neck rubbing it and trying to regain my breath that feels as though it's trapped within my body.

Quinton turns his back to me and begins to walk away towards a black car that pulls up to meet him— Ansel is driving in the front seat and he mouths to me, "I warned you." The door shuts after he sits down in the car. I take off my bag to grab my water, take a large gulp of the water and place it back into my bag.

I open the front door to my apartment and the lights are out, turning the lights on , making my way to my bedroom and taking off my clothes. Exiting my bedroom with pajamas set and ready for bed— it's been a crazy evening for me. I find myself sitting in the chair in front of my bedroom door and slowly but surely warm, wet tears slide down my face. To be honest with myself, he scared me tonight— I never once expected him to find me or even know my schedule to catch me on my way home.

My thoughts are interrupted as the front door opens up and there is Fei standing there looking at me and she says, "What's wrong? You're crying." She comes into the apartment and drops everything on the floor and she kneels in front of me, wiping my tears off my face saying, "Come on, tell me what's wrong or better yet what happened? Don't tell me that Quinton got to Lucas."

I shake my head, a sniffle escapes from my nose, "No. He snatched me into an alleyway and I know I can't back down from this but…"

She cuts me off, placing her finger on my lips saying, "Don't you dare," removing her finger from my lips and she leans in to snake her arms around my waist pulling me close to her in a tight hug. "What you experienced tonight was no doubt scary, but you can't let that bastard get the better of you— he doesn't deserve a single ounce of your tears. Got me?" She unwraps her arms from around me and she places her thumb on the side of my face rubbing away my tear as it was so close to sliding down my cheek. My heart slightly melted as a soft heart beat— beat against my chest, I then snake my arms around her small frame, pressing my head against her chest. A small yelp escapes from her throat, she then says "It's okay. You're safe here, don't worry about that scumbag, he's going to get his." The tears came down like a broken flood gate. In a lot of ways in the last few months, I haven't had the time to cry, get mad or even feel depressed. Here at home is where I can have at it and Fei as a way of taking away my worries and turning that into confidence.

The heat of the sun's rays shining through the window warms my face, barely awake— feeling like a zombie that's on autopilot. Right beside me is Fei, 'That's right, last night I slept in her room because all my emotions just came pouring out of like the waterfall in Zambia. From here on out, I need to make sure that my emotions are in check, that finally I'm getting justice for Aquila and my long quote, unquote relationship can come— to an end.

Handing over a cup of coffee to an elderly woman, "Thank you once again for coming to the Seagulls Cafe." A small smile graces my face.

Joyce walks up to me saying, "You can go take your break, I'll– I'll take over the register."

A small chuckle escapes from my lips, "Okay." I say and begin my walk to the back to start my break. Oddly enough, today seemed to have a hopeful beginning for me— waking up beside Fei and a possible small girl crush. I shake my head from side to side, yelling to myself 'Why am I thinking about love, when I need to be worried about my life and the lives of other people around me.' Sitting here in the break room by myself, as if that isn't a weird thing— but this morning was beautiful. The sun's rays gracing my face laying down in the same bed as Fei. Shaking my head once again, I have to get that out of my mind. Why can't I get it out of my mind? I think to myself.

Author's Note:

Dear Reader,

I want to say thank you to my faithful readers and those readers who just so happen to come across my story, thank you. Also my gratitude goes out to my family and friends,I hope that you enjoy the book so far.

The writer, C. Mighty