Physical Education Pt. 1

"Forces Against Hostile Invasive Specimens," Benedict answered with evident boredom to a trivial question.

"Cool. How about AAN?" Tony threw in another.

"Armed Alliance of Noein..." Ben breathed out noisily. "Dude, I know they named you as my study buddy, but don't you think we should skip all these details? I've read the book and the manuals. Tell me about the people, their histories, tactics and strategies -- the grander scheme of things."

"I know, but this is literally a quiz," Tony showed Ben the booklet he was holding. It had questions sprawled throughout the pages and checks before all items Ben answered correctly.

Ben made a face at that.

"And the basics are just as important as a profound truth."

"Ah, boy. Whatever."

Tony paused for a second and then closed the booklet shut. Sitting Indian style in the Nexus' lounge, he leaned against the backrest facing Ben. "Okay, we'll do that later. Let's talk about something more interesting."

Ben's pupil dilated, and a smile appeared on his face. His focus intensified in anticipation of receiving delicious nuggets of insights.

"Nexus makes Synchs, right?"


"And what are Synchs?"

Ben's face and shoulders dropped yet again at another boring question. "Stop playing with my feelings..."

"Answer the question, dummy."

"Nexus members with duplicates in a parallel world," Ben recited like a kid tortured with memory verses.

"What do you call a Synch's duplicate?"

Ben fell back on the couch. "Oh my god -- Doppelgangers..."

"If Nexus is to Synchs, then..."

"FAHIS is to Doppelgangers."

"So far, so good," Tony opened the booklet and checked three more items.

Ben replied ironically, "Sure."

"Now, FAHIS serves as special forces reserve working with AAN armies, right?" Tony closed the questionnaire and put it down on the glass-topped mahogany center table.

"Yes... why? Is this the essay part?"

"Doppelgangers are too few even with all detachments combined, so FAHIS relies on specialization and its most effective application in the battlefield. Their main purpose is to carve out advantageous conditions for the AAN to move into."

Ben rose with piqued interest.

"Each detachment, team, squad, and pair is assembled based on the particular strategic military need. FAHIS's ability to accurately respond to these needs depends on the pool of highly specialized doppelgangers."

"So, there are doppelganger classes and jobs, like in RPGs?"

"It's more like a MOBA, but we refer to the categories as... Guess what?"



"Very clever."

"Can you guess what my specialization is?"

Ben considered it for a moment. "Ass…ass… in."

"Idiot. That's wrong."


"Tsk. I'm a Wisper. A backliner specializing in stealth and swift takedowns."

"You mean whisperer?"

"No. Wisper. W-I-S-P-E-R."

"Wisper. But why?"

"Because…" Tony found it tedious to explain, "they're like wisps. Enemies don't see them coming."

"Oh, right. Now, that's… creative, I guess."

"Specialization, in turn, depends on a doppelganger's physical attributes and individual temperament. FAHIS or Nexus doesn't prescribe anyone's specialization. Forcing someone to a role that doesn't optimize using his or her potential wastes invaluable resources. In a war of attrition, we can't afford to waste skills and talents."

Ben liked the way Tony got into the role of a mentor. His colleague and friend suddenly changed his personality and turns from someone laidback to pedantic. Ben respected this and listened more intently.

"Doppelganger squads are ambushers. They rely more on the element of surprise and short bursts of aggression. Each attack shocks and cripples enemy forces, opening enemy weakness to AAN's conventional army. That's the general tactics in the battlefield."

Ben's eyes sparkled in excitement. Although only one out of five Nexus volunteers successfully duplicated through IPP, he couldn't wait to have his turn.

"That means," Tony resumed, "if ever you, or your duplicate, make it to Noein, the first thing we need to do is push you to your limit."

Ben nodded while his heart pumped adrenaline throughout his body.

"It's going to be really tough. We'll stretch you towards breaking point. It's the only way we can measure your physical aptitude and also prepare you for the challenges of combat."

"Will it hurt? I mean, it probably would, but..."

"Pain is good," Tony said. "I mean it not in a sadomasochistic way. Pain is vital for self-preservation. Whenever something hurts, you pay attention to it. Be it physical or emotional pain. It tells you that something is wrong and that you have to do something about it. It helps you take better care of yourself. Doppelgangers might be invincible, and only to a point, but we are not immortals."

"Got it."


"Five feet, two inches, and forty-eight kilograms," Mel said, writing Aki's statistics down.

"What does that mean?" Aki asked, stepping down from the balance beam in from of the white tent.

"Nothing," Lem responded. "Performance speaks louder than numbers."

Everyone moved further back as their leader stepped to the side, making a large half-circle in the middle of the clearing with Aki in the middle of it.

Cleo stepped in and stood in front of Aki. She stared right into his eyes, partly challenging but mostly seducing.

"It's showtime," said Maricel.

"Here we go again," said Arman.

"Blow him away, girl," said Vino.

Cleo started and spoke to Aki. "I'm going to show you how we jump."

"Okay," Aki said matter-of-factly, "I'm ready."

Cleo grew a crooked smile. "I hope you are."

Standing a couple of feet from Aki, Cleo went down to one knee, like someone at the start of a race, and then looked back up for one last wink at the young man.

The earth shook under her forceful legs. The surrounding dirt rose in a screen of dust as she zapped like a cannonball upwards while the air resistance ripped her clothes off and landed on Aki's face.

For more than two seconds, everyone's eyes turned to the sky, where Cloe reached her peak at fifty meters above ground before falling back down into gravity's embrace. Pulverizing the dirt under her toes, she landed on her feet towards the cliff's edge.

Of all members of FAHIS, Cleo held the record of the highest and longest jump. But her popularity among men, both soldiers or civilians, was due to a different reason. In Bumi, she was known as 'Alrimar' or Naked Weapon, while the Vilish called her 'Saraak-en wannen' or The Castrator.

"Did you see me fly, Aki?" Cleo said, laughing triumphantly to herself.

Aki's jaw hung open for so long that Mel had to walk over and shut it close for him.

"Snap out of it, dummy," Mel said. "Your turn."

"But he's enjoying the view. Are you jealous?" Cleo told Mel, and then she took her suit from Arman upon joining back to the team.

Mel had a frown on her face when she snatched the torn clothes from Aki's hands before walking away.

"Don't worry. You can take it out on me later." Cleo added.

Mel gave her the finger.