Unanswered questions

"How do you know that it's not curable until you actually see a legit doctor?" Catheline retorted.

"Do we have to have this conversation now? I have many appointments today." Glancing at her watch, Amber sighed, "And I am already ten minutes late."

"Uh huh thank your stupid daydreams for that. I am telling you girl, if you don't find a way to get rid of them, this is going to kill you someday."

"Well, at least you will get a chance to do the Hula Hula dance at my funeral," Amber winked at her best friend.

Smacking her head, Catheline gritted her teeth. "How many times do I have to tell you not to talk about death? You know how much I hate it."

Sticking her tongue out, Amber hooked her arms around her shoulder. "Come on now, you don't have to be so serious. I was just joking, what makes you think I'll die without attending your wedding?"

"A wedding without a groom? Yeah sure, I will marry myself."

The sudden gloominess on Catholine's face didn't go unnoticed by Amber. In order to cheer her up, she tried to change the topic. "Oh come on, you will find someone handsome and dashing."

"I don't know about mine but your handsome and dashing someone is coming towards us." She wiggled her brows before looking at the man who was rushing towards them.

"Oh God," Amber muttered before looking away, trying very hard to avoid any form of eye contact with Percy, her fellow co-worker who had been shamelessly trying to pursue her for over a year now.

"Amber," Percy waved his hand from a distance before rushing towards her.

"Come on Amber, stop hiding your beautiful face," Catholine chuckled.

Glancing at Percy, Amber helplessly sighed, "Why is he coming here?"

"Don't be so mean and give him some face this time."

Stopping right in front of them, Percy took a few seconds to calm himself down. He had been running for quite some time now and was out of breath.

Looking at his sweaty appearance, Amber inquired, "Percy, are you okay?"

He vigorously nodded his head and answered, "Yes, I am okay but your patients are waiting for you."

Glancing at her watch, she sighed, "Yeah I am a bit late today but why are you here? Do you want something?"

"No, I just wanted to let you know that your patients are waiting for you."

Scrunching her brows, Catheline inquired, "What about your patients then?"

Widening his eyes in shock, Percy snapped, "Oh my God." Running towards the direction he came from, he yelled, "Come fast Amber, I'll see you later."

"What are you planning to do with this Romeo?" Catheline chuckled.

Shrugging her shoulders, Amber answered, "Nothing, I think I have made myself pretty clear several times. I am not ready for relationships Cath, there are many things going on in my life and I need to take care of them first."

Twenty-eight years old Amber Carlton, a resident of Elisberg city, was a therapist by profession. After losing her mother right after her birth, she was raised by her eldest aunt who was suffering from a long fatal chronic sickness. The hardships she had faced in her life had made her the strong and independent woman she was today.

Her pitch black eyes, lilac soft lips, slender eyebrows, velvety eyelashes and glossy skin made her look attractive. Her midnight black hair flowed over her shoulder and her perfectly shaped body added to her beauty.

But behind that beautiful smile and jolly character, there were secrets and some unanswered questions which Amber had been hiding for years.
