
Next morning.

Arnold Dine-in.

"Are you seriously just having a slice of bread for breakfast?"

"Yes, if I order something now, I will be late for work," Amber answered.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Catheline questioned her. "Amber, do you have a boss or an incharge?" When she shook her head, she further added, "Someone who will scold you if you are late?"

"No, why?"

"Then what are you worried about? Just eat a proper breakfast because I know you always skip lunch."

"I don't have a boss but I do have patients who wait for me outside my office," Amber remarked.

"But if you don't take care of yourself, how will you solve your patients' problems?" Sitting on the empty chair in between Amber and Catheline, Sussane added, "You need to think about yourself first."

"Thank you so much for backing me up, Sussane," Cathaline sighed.

Winking at her, Sussane smiled, "I got your back Cath, don't worry."

"You two gotta stop ganging up on me early in the morning," Amber sighed.

"By the way, the steak was awesome yesterday," Catheline remarked.

Amber nodded her head and agreed with her. "Cath is right, I think that was the best steak I ever had."

"Really? Arnold is gonna be so happy to hear this. That is a new recipe he has been trying for the last week. In fact, we also hired a new helper who is super cute. Just saying this incase you girls want his number," Sussane remarked with a huge grin on her face.

Sussane was the wife of Arnold Viotoo, the owner of Arnold Dine-in which was one the most famous dine-in places of Elisberg city. Sussane and Arnold ran the restaurant by themselves with the help of a few other staff members.

Amber and Cathaline shared a very close relationship with both of them as they were the regular customers of the restaurant for years now.

"That was a very kind and enticing offer but I have to turn you down."

"Me too," Catheline added.

Helplessly shaking her head, Sussane sighed in dejection. "You girls are seriously wasting your youth. You know what Arnold told me the other day? The day you two bring a guy over for dinner, the meal is on us and we will also honour you guys with a complimentary bottle of wine."

Placing her hand on her chest, Cathaline smiled. "That is so sweet of you guys. Remind me to bring a guy over when I am too broke to pay for my meal."

"Sussane, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure, go on."

Contemplating for a while, Amber hesitantly inquired, "The corridor at the back of the restaurant, do you guys use that passage a lot?"

"No, why?"


"Yesterday Amber was in that dark corridor all by herself and she also saw someone," Catholine answered.

"I did not see anyone, I just—" Pursing her lips, Amber said in a hesitant voice. "I—I heard someone and whoever it was—I think he was hurt."

"Oh, I don't know what to say. I mean, though we don't use that space that often but our helper Dina, she cleans up that place everyday and she never told me anything about finding something suspicious or weird," Sussane answered.

"M—Maybe I heard something wrong then. I just thought you guys should know so please don't misunderstand me." Thinking that maybe the painful whimpers she had heard was something her brain made up, Amber shrugged it off.

"Please don't say that, I am glad you told me this. I'll ask someone to thoroughly examine that area just to be sure there isn't anything weird happening."
