
Helmont Hotel.

Massaging the back of his neck, Ivan sighed.

"This is the fifth time you have made that stressed sound." Genny stated. "Did you not sleep last night?"

"Not much," he lied. The truth was, he ended up talking and drinking with Jason and Athan until four in the morning. By the time he came home, it was almost five. Since he had a meeting around eight, he decided to workout instead of catching some sleep.

"I can reschedule the session for you to some other day, you can go home and get some sleep," Genny suggested.

"No, it's fine. I am not that sleepy anyway." Taking a deep breath, he remarked, "Send me the address."

"I already did, please check your inbox."

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he checked the address. "The Saint Building isn't far from here."

"It's a ten minutes walk," she added.

"Alright then, you take the car and go back to the office."

"What about you?"

"I'll walk there."


After having lunch, Amber and Catheline made plans of going shopping on the weekends before parting ways.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you there?" Catheline asked.

"It's okay, it's just a fifteen minutes walk from here."

"Alright—" Giving her a hug, Catheline said, "Call me when you reach there."


With his eyes glued on his phone screen, Ivan was walking towards the Saint Building for his first session with Amber when an unexpected thing happened.

Someone pulled him towards the small lane between two buildings with a dead end. And before he could figure out what was happening, two men were standing right in front him with their backs facing the pathway Ivan was walking in.

"We want cash," one of them demanded.

Scrunching his brows, Ivan snapped at them. "What the hell is wrong with you both?"

"Nothing is wrong, we just want some cash."

Crossing his arms in the front, Ivan raised his brows. "You both want a favour from me and this is definitely not the right way. Where are your manners?" When both of them did not say anything, he added, "Well, why don't you try again but this time in a civil way because pulling me in a corner and demanding for money is like mugging me."

"Oh come on Ivan, are you seriously going to treat us this way now?" Rylon sighed.

"We were planning to go to your office after the sun sets but fortunately Rylon sensed your presence somewhere near so—"

Cutting him off, Ivan snapped, "So you decided to force me here?"

"We just need some cash to have fun."

"Earn your own money and what do you need it for? Forget about that, first tell me, does Darius or anybody know you are here?" he inquired.

"Of course not, are you crazy? What makes you think they will let us come here that too during day time?" Dylon chuckled.

"Exactly, we had a hard time coming here." Stretching his back, Rylon added, "I think I burnt my back a bit."

Scrunching his brows, Ivan curiously asked, "You guys cannot withstand the sun then how come Darius and Jason—"

"All thanks to the special potion our medicine lady gives them which lasts for two whole days." Sticking two fingers out, Rylon emphasized, "Two whole days."

"No wonder," Ivan muttered. This is why Darius casually visited him during bright daylight without caring about the consequences.

Joining their hands, both of them pleased him. "Bro please, we just want some cash and we promise to not bug you until next week."
