The cliché Student Council scene enters the ring!

The student council.

In every anime Hiroyuki had ever watched, the student council had always been at the top of the school's hierarchy. For some reason, the schools would allow mere students to run it as if the headmaster and teachers didn't have the authority to do so.

It was perhaps to let the younger audience fantasize about being the most powerful individual in school, to visualize a life where a school was their playground and that the teachers do not have the rights to ruin their fun.

However, this is reality. And in reality, student councils don't have that sort of unchallenged authority.

Well, MOST student councils.

As it was once explained, Niwa Mura High was a school for elites and with only the elites among those elites being able to join Niwa Mura High's esteemed student council, one could only imagine that the collection of students here would be best of the best.

And well, we'll see after their introductions.

2nd Year Jin 'Akamatsu' Anand

Jin is the head of disciplinary actions of Niwa Mura High's student council. He has black curly hair and brown eyes. He wore a red and white bandana on his forehead apparently to conceal his self-conscious forehead.

As you can tell from his name, Jin was half Japanese, half Indian with his father hailing all the way from India. His skin was no doubt darker compared to the rest of the cast, given his family's bloodline. He wasn't a very tall fellow but he was very well built as he was a man who had to keep up an appearance among his peers. He was a straight forward but a very chill person.

That was only recently...

Before he was a member of the student council, Jin was the leader of a renowned juvenile gangster group known as 'Akamatsu the Devil'.

He was a fierce and straight forward person. With no interest in his studies and as a person who answered his questions with a punch in the gut, he was a boy to be feared among the streets. Kids and adults alike feared his presence.

Eventually, an incident happened and led him to who he had become. Some habits may die harder than the others but right now, he used his knowledge as a gang leader for good.




2nd Year Hiroyuki Kazama.

Hiroyuki is the head of student affairs of Niwa Mura High's student council.

No further introductions required.

2nd Year Sora Koizumi.

Sora was the secretary of Niwa Mura High's student council. Sora was born with brown hair that grew to her waist. She had a petite body with a size that would make her seem like a middle school student among the boys as the only girl on the student council. However, despite her looks and above average grades, everything else about her can only be described in a single word.


Sora had mastered 15 instruments in her short 16 years of living and had also won multiple musical awards. She even had the opportunity to perform in the Royal Albert's Hall in London at the age of 8, which was only invited by the Queen of the United Kingdom. There were no surviving musicians in the world that didn't know her name.

Sora was also a very athletic person despite her size. Her trick was the ability to memorize every move and step a professional had done, mimicked them and perfected them in her own way.

Despite her achievements and popularity inside and outside of the school compound, Sora was a down to earth person. She would make friends left and right without having academic results being a factor. She was no doubt a proper lady, worthy of praise.

2nd Year Yusuke Hoshino.

Hoshino is the Vice-President of Niwa Mura High's student council. Hoshino has well-greased black hair that was pushed back behind his ears. His eyes were droopy but they were never out of sight of what was important to him. His stance was always on guard and despite his relatively short height, no one made fun of him. The young teen who happened to be the Vice President was a man worthy of being in that position.

Hoshino was the academic star of Niwa Mura High.

Hoshino never took anything but first in any of his year's placing. He was no doubt the most studious student in the school and no one would dare deny that fact. Bringing back awards after awards while representing his school, the teachers thanked the Lord for him and the students kneeled down before him. He was always on top of his game.

Despite his studious personality, Hoshino perfectly balanced his life by also keeping his social life intact. He was also a down to earth, friendly person while treating everyone around him as his equal. He was ever humble and was always interested to learn new topics to join in the conversation of his peers.

He was a sporty person too. Underneath his below average height and sized body, he was a young teen in shape. Whenever it was time for sports, he would drop his books to join his friends in a game of soccer. He was good at it too.

Now, you would think why would someone as perfect as Hoshino, second to none, only fell short and ended up as the vice president of a super-elite school? The reason being that there was one more elite student in the entire school who was unchallenged and more than deserving to be in that position.

2nd Year Kazue Yoshida.

Kazue is the President of Niwa Mura High's student council. He had dark long brunette hair that could touch his shoulders. His eyes were sharp with a gaze that would paralyze the weak. His shoulders were wide and his legs were long. He was a man in a young teenage body.

Kazue may not be as book smart as Hoshino but was smart enough to maintain at the Top 10. He did not excel in music like Sora and was not a powerful individual like Jin. However, what gave him the power to stand above them was a single trait that everyone in the student council can agree on.


Kazue's words were absolute. His ideas were flawless and his executions never failed. He was the boy that turned an elite school such as Niwa Mura High and placed it on the map of every globe. Whenever there was a competition to represent the school, Kazue would carry the school and brought them to victory with his cunning and ingenious planning.

During Kazue's run for president. His speech had secured his absolute victory and even managed to convince the 'gyarus' and gangsters of the elite school who was brought in through the power of money. No one in the school dared challenge him as everyone was on his side and no one would want to, as there was no one who could come close to being his equal.

Despite Kazue's absolute power and his standings among the food chain, he was a laid back, sometimes lazy person. His attitude may come out as a problem for the student council but when push comes to shove, he would assure everyone's worry and eventually come through in the end.

Hard emphasis on 'eventually', of course.

The student council room was placed on the top floor of the clubhouse building Inside were the members of the student council preparing for their first-ever meeting. Jin was rocking his chair back and forth while scrolling the school's social media. Hiroyuki was arranging the schedule for the upcoming school events. Sora was tidying up the files for the new year. Yusuke was revisioning the classes he had just now while waiting for Kazue to clear the whiteboard. And with the absence of a Treasurer, these people make up the Niwa Mura High's Student Council.

For now.

"Now that I think about it, we finally filled up the treasurer slot didn't we?" Yusuke said as he continued to copy down the notes in his notebook.

"I heard you got us a 1st Year student too, right Kazue?" Sora said as she closed off the shelf of files and walked back to her seat.

"Indeed I did, she was from our very own Niwa Mura's Middle School and I heard she was the top student for all her year she was in. She would make a fine addition to our team."

Kazue replied as he wrote the words 'Welcome to the Student Council' with a terribly drawn cat face on the whiteboard. Yusuke checked around the student council room and made sure the room was clean enough to invite a new member. He then took a deep breath and responded with worry.

"Well, I only hope they aren't the overly studious type, it's kind of hard to make friends with those kinds of people."

"For me, I just hope Kazue got us a girl this time,"

Jin said as he wrapped his arm over Hiroyuki's shoulder who just so happened to be beside him. Jin continued to scroll the E-Garden to follow the latest in-school news. Hiroyuki, who just finished filling up the schedule decided to remark on his choice of words.

"Come on… Really Jin?"

"You agree, don't you, Sora?"

Jin directed his words to Sora who was pulling out her notebook that was filled with the meeting minutes. Sora gave off a few awkward laughter and remarked on his obvious ulterior motives.

"Well despite what you actually mean, I do agree. It would be nice to have another girl in the team."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, everyone turned their attention to the door and quickly noticed that the person behind that door was most likely their latest addition to the team. Kazue turned around as soon as he finished adding the whiskers on his 'cat' and pointed his paper fan towards the door.

"Well, your questions shall now be answered. You can come in now!"

As the door was gently opened. A figure of a 1st-year junior appeared in front of the cast of the student council.

She has long black hair that was braided into two pigtails. Behind the pair of black-framed glasses were huge brown eyes. Her face was slightly rounder, giving her a slight baby-face. She was slightly taller than Sora but was as slim as than her.

The girl bowed her head respectfully but hastily as she spoke nervously.

"M-My name is Yuuna Sagawa, N-Nice to meet you."

It didn't take long for the team to welcome her with cheer as everyone including Hiroyuki and Jin tried to take their time conversing with her. Sora was spending her entire time holding onto her hands and praising Kazue for getting another girl to join the student council. She even said out loud "It was nice to get another girl in the sausage fest of a room" and that it stunned everyone in the room that she could spout those words out of her mouth.

Yusuke was glad to know that she was a friendly person and was also happy to know she was rather sociable despite her stutter when talking to him.

Kazue then praised himself for landing a gem among the students and saying how he was great and should be praised more often. The team looked at him with disgust but at the same time accepted his narcissistic comment.

However, when Hiroyuki wanted to introduce himself to Yuuna. Jin decided to pull him out of the crowd a bit and whispered into his ears.

"You know she may look a bit nerdy but don't you think underneath that get up, she could actually be rocking a look?"

Hiroyuki wanted to retort with a 'Now's not the time' but decided to entertain Jin by checking Yuuna from head to toe.

The school's uniform wasn't anything entirely special. If anything, it was a lot more sharply dressed than other high schools in Japan. During cold weathers, the top was a long-sleeved blazer over a tie and button-up white long-sleeved T-shirt. For boys, they would wear navy blue pants and girls have the option to do the same or choose to wear a navy blue below-the-knee skirt.

While during hot weather, they would just have to replace the top with a tie and a white button-up short-sleeved T-shirt.

They may not be as tasteful as a sailor uniform but the proper attire does give off a professional environment, fitting for an elite school.

And that was how Hiroyuki see it as, proper attire for a proper school. Thus, he could only respond in disagreement.

"Not really."

"C'mon think big. Let me help you out a bit."

"You really don't have to..."

"First remove her braids and maybe let it loose. You could maybe give them a little perm. Then replace those glasses with those 80s thick frame glasses. Give her a thick rose-red lipstick and maybe some piercings on her ears and nose. Heck, maybe go as far as a tongue piercing. She can keep the school uniform but get rid of the blazer, let loose the tie and undo some of the top few buttons to reveal a hidden chest tattoo that screams a 'What are you looking at' feel. Raise the skirt a bit more to show the knee and give her a pair of super loose socks to pair with her slim legs. For the final touch, a lollipop in her mouth and a baseball bat in her hand that is prepared to swing at the next scumbag she sees. With that, she could probably fit well along with the other gyarus."

With that long make-up guide by Jin, Hiroyuki imagined a barbie doll dress up scene in his head along the way. With the final picture appearing in his imagination, he was both astonished and weirded out by the perverted eyes of Jin.

"You know for someone like you, I'm genuinely surprised by the things you can imagine. But you do make a point."

"But…" Jin said as he looked at how Yuuna was having difficulty catching up with Yusuke and Kazue's conversation with her.


"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Before Hiroyuki could play a scenario with a 'gyaru-fied' Yuuna, he found himself exchanging looks with her. Not knowing what sort of expression he was putting on, he decided to just play it cool and nodded as a simple greeting. It was a good thing Yuuna picked up the hint and just smiled back.

"Well," Kazue said as he alerted everyone's attention with a swing of his paper fan. "Before we start our actual introductions and meeting, we would need to guide her the ropes around and also about how things worked around here. Since Sora is busy with her music classes and Hiroyuki cleared from work until next semester's Sports' Day… Hiroyuki, do you mind?"

Hiroyuki then exchanged looks with the team and quickly accepted that all of them had their hands full with work, agreed and said.

"If Sagawa-san is fine with it, I don't see why not."

"I'm sorry, Yuuna," Sora apologized and happen to start calling her by her first name already. "I would love to help you out but I really don't have much time outside of the student council meetings. I'll make it up to you someday. Don't worry, as long as it's not Jin, you are in great hands."

"What did you say, woman?" Jin said with a fake smile and a fist to pair with it.

"Well, I… don't mind. I'll be in your hands then, Kazama-senpai." Yuuna said as she bowed towards Hiroyuki.


As Hiroyuki followed suit, the president of the student council was satisfied with the outcome. Kazue then quickly turned towards the meeting table and shouted with enthusiasm that was sure to be heard by the students downstairs.

"With that, let the meeting commence!"