Chapter 12

"We caught him," Beatrix exclaimed.

Harry took the line from her, while Valentine lowered the cab. "Please stand back, Miss Hathaway."

"Let me do it," Beatrix urged. "The macaque is much more likely to spring at you than me. Animals trust me."

"Nevertheless, I can't risk one of my guests being injured."

Poppy and Miss Marks both drew Beatrix away from the food lift opening. They all gasped as a large, blue black macaque appeared, his eyes huge and bright above a hairless muzzle, his head comically tufted with a shock of fur. The monkey was stocky and powerful in appearance, with hardly any tail to speak of. His expressive face contorted in fury, white teeth gleaming as it screeched.

One of the front paws appeared to be stuck in the comfit jar. The irate macaque tugged frantically to get it out, without success. His own clenched fist was the reason for his captivity—he refused to let go of the comfits even to remove his paw from the jar.