Chapter 17

The Hathaways waited in a receiving line in the entrance hall.

"Look how dignified and polite they all are," Leo said, observing the crowd. "I can't stay long. Someone might influence me."

"You promised you would stay until after the first set," Poppy reminded him.

Her brother sighed. "For you, I will. But I despise these affairs."

"As do I," Miss Marks surprised them all by saying grimly, surveying the gathering as if it were enemy territory.

"My God. Something else we agree on." Leo gave the companion a half-mocking, half-uneasy glance. "We have to stop doing this, Marks. My stomach is starting to turn."

"Please do not say that word," she snapped.

"Stomach? Why not?"

"It is indelicate to refer to your anatomy." She gave his tall form a disdainful glance. "And I assure you, no one has any interest in it."

"You think not? I'll have you know, Marks, that scores of women have remarked on my—"

"Ramsay," Cam interrupted, giving him a warning glance.