chapter 37

"Bloody hell," Harry muttered, running a hand through his sweat-dampened hair. "How long until the repairs are done?"

"We estimate two to three days. The noise will undoubtedly be a problem for some of the guests."

"Apologize on behalf of the hotel and cut their room rates."

"Yes, sir."

With annoyance, Harry realized that Poppy would have to stay in his bedroom. Which meant that he would have to find another place to sleep. "I'll stay in a guest suite for the time being," he said. "Which ones are empty?"

Valentine's face was expressionless. "I'm afraid we're at full occupancy tonight, sir."

"There isn't one room available? In this entire hotel?"

"No, sir."

Harry scowled. "Set up a spare bed in my apartments, then."

Now the valet looked apologetic. "I've already thought of that, sir. But we have no spare beds. Three have been requested and set up in guest suites, and the other two were loaned to Brown's Hotel earlier in the week."