Chapter 22 : Heroes and Villains.

Iris was in her final year of high school and they were required to fill a form about career choices. She decided not to give it to her father since she already knew what he wanted her to be, a pharmacist just like him.

Iris however had no intention of studying anything like that, they'd talk and fight about it but he never really cared what she'd thought or wanted. So she filled the form out jokingly, she didn't have much hope about it since she already knew what she'd end up studying in college.

But two weeks later, half way through the school year. She was assigned to the acting group. She didn't even remember. Rachel had been there, her hair still black in the chemistry lab " You should try acting CC ".

Iris felt disgusted as she shook her head, " Never, I'm not good at acting ". Rachel raised an eyebrow as she stroke different poses, " You're hilarious and super animated. And quite good at making people laugh ".

Iris hugged Rachel and laughed, " I already got myself a number one fan ". So they'd being messing around and ended up putting acting on the list.

Iris had an open mind about it but the more time she spent on set, the more she realized acting wasn't really for her. She liked the idea of pretending to be someone she's not without getting in trouble and still being paid but she feared she'd lose herself along the way.

Such profound thinking was not something Iris thought she was capable of at seventeen going to eighteen, especially when she'd only realized how big a mistake she'd made. She felt so scared and useless, she didn't even dare to tell anyone. Then she'd stumbled upon the book " CONFETTI " by SWING SET or maybe it found her.

She didn't know what drew her to the book but she loved it. From the main characters Jeremy and Felicity to the odd yet funny storyline. But she couldn't read it in school since she was busy and never at home, her father would confiscate it.

But that day, her usual reading spot had been taken over by some boys in her class who were smoking. She'd decided to go to wardrobe since it was usually empty and if anyone asked her why she was there, she'd say she was stationed there and asked to keep an eye on things.

Iris had gotten comfortable among some feathered outfits when she heard crying. At first she thought it was the spirits of the closet telling her to leave their sacred grounds and she was doing just that.

Then she saw him, barely through the racks of clothes. He looked so dejected, his knees to his chest as he cried his eyes out. Though Iris was worried about him, whenever she looked at him all she could think about was what ugly a crier he was.

Stifling a laugh, she'd tried to creep away but tripped on some clothes and landed in front of him [ What rotten luck? ] She laughed nervously as she got on her knees and facing him, who had stopped crying " I didn't mean to interrupt, I'm sorry. You go on ".

He obviously didn't let her leave, " Who are you? What did you see ". Iris made a face but sighed, " I'm one of the interns ". He'd glared at her, " You didn't answer my second question ". Iris put her hands over her eyes, still peeping through " I didn't see're just a very ugly crier ".

He'd seemed so surprised but soon became furious as he held her wrist tightly. Iris got upset as well as she bashed his head with her hard covered book and he let her go, " Look what you made me do , I'm just stating the obvious ".

He had no choice but to rub the spot [ She's so feisty ] but Iris wasn't done with him as she held his cheeks, " So why are you crying stranger "? He frowned, " Why do you care "?

Iris shrugged, " I don't care, but this is my new reading spot. I want to know if you'll be here crying often so I won't be ". He obviously wasn't expecting an answer like that but she let him blabber on about his problems for ten minutes.

She didn't interrupt him and would just nod her head thoughtfully from time to time. Then she held out the book she was reading, " If you're feeling so sad about your place being taken, you have two options. One, quit or Two, pick yourself up ".

He smiled as he looked at the book, " You're reading it too "? Iris turned the book to herself, the excitement in her voice evident " You know it? It's not that popular but I love it ". He nodded, " Yeah, I'm already done with the story. At the end of the thing, Jeremy.....".

Iris suddenly covered her ears, " LA LA LA, I'm not Listening ". So he kept quiet and she finally stopped lalalaing. She poked his chest, " That's not cool, no spoilers. Are you trying to ruin the whole book for me "?

[ Maybe a little ] but he feared she'd just use the book on him if he said that. Iris cleared her throat as she again held the book out to him, " I think you should re read the book. I know its cliche and all but good always defeats evil. The justice of it all ".

It made sense to him as he lowered the book in her hands so he could see her face, " Justice huh "? Iris nodded, suddenly putting the book to her chest " Yeah, like all my favorite superheroes and supervillains ".

She pointed her finger at him seriously, " They all want Justice for themselves or for the people around them. The superheroes are the good guys only because they fight for others. The villains are just a little bit more selfish ".

He nodded playfully, " Alright, would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain ". Iris laughed as she stroke a superhero pose still on her knees, " I'd be the villain, but not like any you've ever seen before ". He found himself interested, " And why is that "?

Iris shrugged lightly, " Cause I'd kill the hero and be extremely rich and leave everyone alone ". He blinked a few times [ Everything that comes out of her mouth is so unexpected ] " How and why "?

Iris laughed, " The hero won't leave me alone so I kill him before he kills me. I can self all his stuff and gear to the highest bidder and become super rich. I wouldn't bother anyone ". [ Such a well thought out plan ] " But will you be happy "?