Chapter 19 : You're an ugly crier.

Iris gripped the spoon in her hand tightly, forcing herself to remember why she was here in the first place. Normally, if someone wanted to have a business lunch with her, she didn't mind as long as someone paid her.

And Lior was definitely paying double for putting her through this stress. But this Justice guy gave her goosebumps, like he knew something about her even she'd forgotten [ That isn't too strange ]

She'd walked out of the room without an answer and Lior and Jeremy had come back begging. She didn't really care about Lior, this had happened several times. Why he was still so persistent, he'd never even told her.

Jeremy on the other hand, was her baby. She couldn't bear to see him upset and if he wanted Justice Speedwell, he'd get Justice Speedwell.

Speaking of the devil, he sat across from her with a mild smile on his lips, looking at Iris as if they were friends. " Is it not to your liking "? Iris forced herself to calm down and shook her head, " It's fine. Let's just get this other with, tell me what you want "?

Justice blushed slightly and held his cheeks, " You know me so well, are you sure we've never met ". Iris felt like gagging [ My goosebumps have goosebumps ] " I don't think I'd forget meeting someone as um...interesting as you ".

Justice nodded, suddenly back to normal, " You're right, I haven't caught you're name though "? Iris mushed up the spaghetti on her plate, " Iris. Iris Fetti ". Justice seemed surprised but nodded anyways, " Such a coincidence. I remember reading a book called Confetti when I was still a newbie ".

Iris looked up, her boredom gone " Really? I didn't think I'd meet anyone who's read it ". Justice smiled at her, " You sure about that Iris "? Iris frowned slightly, " What's that supposed to mean "?

Justice let out an exasperated sigh and put his chin on the table, still staring at Iris " It breaks my heart how you don't remember me ". Iris felt confused and it must have shown as Justice sat back up.

He put a part of his hair in his face and smiled, " Extra no 2, we need you on set ". It took a few seconds to register but she had seen this face before. Surprised, she pointed at him " You're the cry baby who was always hiding in the costumes ".

Justice frowned as Iris started laughing, " One time, that was one time. You forgot me but remembered that ". Iris forced herself to stop laughing and nodded, " You're right, this is serious " But ended up laughing again, " I'm sorry, but you were such an ugly crier ".

Justice folded his hands, " You done yet "? Iris was still laughing but held up her finger, " Almost ". Justice watched as Iris laughs for another minute till it burned out and she became partially serious, " I'm done ".

Justice rolled his eyes, " You seem to be doing fine ". Iris nodded, poking at her spaghetti again, " I guess, I could be better ". Justice rested his chin on his palm while his elbow was on the table, " You just disappeared and even changed your name at that ".

Iris laughed nervously, putting the spaghetti in her mouth " I'd rather not talk about it " [ I don't even want to think about that time ] Justice seemed to understand he'd gone into dangerous territory and tried to make the conversation light.

" That's alright. Could you tell me something though "? Iris sucked up the spaghetti in her mouth and looked up, speaking with her mouth full " What "? Justice's smile didn't let up as he stared her in the eye, " You named your kids after the main characters of Confetti. Why "?