An emergency meal

If I hadn't been panicking before, I was now. My fight-or-flight instinct kicked in again, choosing 'flight' without hesitation, but I couldn't leave JJ here. Nor, I knew, could I drag him with me. I didn't do any exercise—my hands were like noodles. Now I regretted never lifting anything heavier than antique knickknacks.

I reached towards JJ and, after a momentary pause where I fought with my queasiness and the fear of hurting JJ even more, shook his healthier shoulder. To my relief and delight, I saw JJ's eyelashes flutter in response. A slight groan left his lips, but he didn't move.

"JJ, can you get up?" I asked frantically. "The police are going to get there soon. We need to get out!"

I couldn't hear the siren anymore, which meant that the police was already outside, probably deciding if they should burst in or approach with care. The count was going on minutes.