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[I know where you live, Diana. Don't think that Jean-Jacques will protect you forever. You are just a thief, a rat who can only run and hide and wouldn't last a single moment without him. Soon enough he will grow bored with you, and then there will be nothing standing between me and you. Remember that when you lie in bed at night. I want your blood to be sweet with fear when I get to you.]

My hands shook so hard that had to hold my phone with both hands to not drop it. Adrenaline pumped through my blood, urging me to run, to hide, but there was no outlet for these desires. There was nowhere to run. Christina found me, and it took her less than a day to do so.

How long will it take for her to pull me out of my bed and tear me apart with her dagger-like claws? Is it only JJ's presence that stops her?