Diana and her relatives

It didn't take me long to feel like I wasn't welcome here. The closer I got to 'elite' part of the camp, the more frowns and looks of contempt were thrown my way. Like a rich kid in a bad neighbourhood, it would only be a matter of time until someone stopped me and asked for a smoke.

Well, in this case, I was someone from a poor neighbourhood in a rich area… And locals wouldn't care for my phone. I caught glimpses here and there. The people around here came with lackeys, expensive watches and latest iPhones. Even here, ten kilometres away from the nearest civilised place.

But until I got shooed away by any of the glowering security people—they WERE official security people, as the red ribbons on their forearms told me—I explored the best I could. I didn't even try to start a conversation with any of the unfriendly people around, but maybe there would be just some opportunity…

"Lady, please, return to your coven. Your presence distresses the honourable guests."