Double-edged sword

It took me a moment to get it this time. "Wait, do you mean, on me?"

"I can't trust anyone else."

Damn him if this didn't immediately crush whatever initial resistance to the idea I had.

And I still trusted him.

"Alright. Alright. So… do you mean, like, now?"

"There's no time to waste."

That much was true. I took in a deep breath, gathering my determination. "What do you need?"

"Let's sit down." He led me back to the loveseat. "I thought about something small and harmless, like invoking sleep on you."

I nodded, folding my hands on my knees. "Yeah, this would require some magic intervention, since I feel as awake as it gets right now. So. You would just tell me to sleep, and if it works, I will? Then you will have to wake me up in time to meet with the anti-closeters."
