Ghost's gifts

"That went reasonably well," I said outside of my grandparents' apartment building. "They don't hate me, they don't hate you, they didn't even revoke my right to date you. I guess I should consider it great, even."

"It was… an educational experience." JJ looked a little shaken, too. Good—we could be shaken together. "Your grandfather likes to cook a lot."

"He's one of the people who believe that food solves all your problems. It's a wonder he doesn't have more of a belly on him than he has." I shook my head. "Sorry, I never thought he might affect you like that. With all that was on the day's agenda, this part just went entirely over me."

"Don't worry about that, ma chèrie." JJ grinned and playfully rubbed my cheek. "I was just momentarily overwhelmed, that's all. I accepted all that I lost and gained long ago. Today was just overwhelming in general, you can say."