After all... why not? Why shouldn't I?

"So, what should we do with him?"

"That's an interesting question, ma chèrie. Since he targeted you foremost, it should be for you to decide, I believe."

I gave Desmond another look. He looked like a rag doll right now, just sprawled around, with his mouth open a little and his eyes staring blankly into nowhere. This stare… it unnerved me.

Desmond wasn't dead—I could tell a dead vampire from alive now—but like that, he looked very much like an ordinary corpse. It differed from the way JJ looked when he slept. I supposed it was the pose—and the eyes.

I knelt next to him and closed his, just like they did in the movies. With closed eyes, Desmond looked like someone in a very inconvenient sleeping pose.

"When would he wake up?" I asked, standing up again.