An absence of an answer is an answer too

"I'd like to follow that man," JJ said when the door behind said man closed. "I could hear his heard fluttering with fear like a caged bird… I'm afraid he might be in a trouble of some sort. Or be a trouble himself. Will you man the counter while I do so?"

"Absolutely. JJ, I looked at this man's aura, and it wasn't abnormal at all except for that fear. I'd think he was afraid of me, or you, but… if so, then what he was doing here, playing a staid oligarch? And…" I frowned. "I might be putting too much in that, but it reminds be about that creepy guy who came to the store a couple weeks ago. They don't look similar at all, but this man seemed like he was searching for something in particular, and I wonder… could he have been after the jade seal too?"