What comes around, goes around

From up close, I could see that I did a mistake in evaluating the riders' mounts. They weren't horses—they were two white deer the size of the horses. One was a stag, and another a doe, hornless and twice as cute.

The stag rider was obviously the leader of the two. It was in his everything: in his posture, in his self-assured and calm expression, in the amount of trifles on his suit of armour that appeared to be made of tree bark. Unlike Staghead, though, he looked not like a mix of a human with animal, but like a stereotypical fantasy elf—pointy-eared, long-haired, fair and handsome. Especially next to his partner. He also radiated power, one that was similar to Staghead's, but more. More of it, more of its intensity… no, I didn't think Bob and JJ would be able to take him on even together. I didn't think we all will be able to take this guy on.