The Black Wolves Hideout!

Chapter 72 The Black Wolves Hideout!

Dexica City:

Spotting two delinquent looking fellas, turning their heads in the direction that Ver is pointing to, with both eyebrows raised Pap says, is that them? Staring at them from a far, gazing at the black leather jackets with tuffs of fur at the shoulders, answering Pap's question in a blunt tone Rint says, yep that's them! But there not the one's we want to meet! We want to meet Poza! Shifting his head back looking at Rint and Pap, Ver says, well instead of flapping our gums let's just follow them and hopefully they lead us to this Poza guy! Everyone agrees! Both gazing at Ver, they nod their heads in agreeance with the plan, walking over to the two black wolf members, a shady looking skinny man wearing a rugged looking trench coat holding a briefcase, out stretches his left arm and hands it to one of them nonchalantly and walks way right past them. After the quick transaction, standing for a little while just surveying the area, both members of the black wolves start to move, slinking past a group of people, the two men slip into a slim alleyway. Seeing the men walk into the dark alley, Ver and the gang follow right behind them, following a straight shot through the alley, then making a right, the two black wolfs then stop in front of a big rundown factory. Looking at one another with a are you ready to go inside look, without saying a word the two men head inside the building, not far behind after the men went inside, the trio stop right in front of the huge rundown facility, peering up with a big evil looking smile on his face, Ver says, were here boys! Now it's time to say hello to the boss!

End of Chapter 72