A Dark Sensation!

Chapter 83 A Dark Sensation!

Vice Lords Hideout:

Stepping through the door entering the casino/ bar like hideout, giving a mission is complete smirk as Kip opens his mouth and says, hey kids were home! Following behind him through the doorway with an annoyed look on his face with his arms folded, Slazer says in a quiet tone, fucking aggravating! And lastly entering the hideout with his hands tucked in his pants pockets, Daiya says in his mind, I can feel a lot of strong gunergy in here. Looking forward eyeing the rest of the group Infront of him, continuing to speak to himself internally, Daiya says, so this is the group that needs me huh.

Calling out of nowhere from the shadows a voice says, welcome to the Vice Lords Daiya! Startled by the surprising voice Daiya's eyes widened slightly, stepping up from a dark balcony, leisurely walking down the stairs, peering down with his blood red eyes at Daiya as he descends down the stairs, speaking once more as he reaches the last step, Vica says in a regal manner, my name is Vice and again welcome to my humble abode! Gazing at the man with an expressionless face, creeping down his face a bead of sweat forms from his temple, not showing it on the outside but feeling a little uneasy on the inside, Daiya says in his inner monologue, this guy what is this dark sensation?

End of Chapter 83