Let's Dig In!

Chapter 87 Let's Dig In!

Dexica city: Saloon/Inn

Grabbing a black and white jacket with a light shade of blue at the cuffs, snagging it off a small coat rack near the door, putting it on, Ver says, I'll be back with the kid and hopefully the grub as well if he truly got any like you said! Gripping the doorknob, opening it with his right arm, Ver walks out closing the door behind him. Facing his attention toward the hallway, Ver starts to walk down the quiet and woodsy stylistic hall, as he leisurely walks through the brightly lit hallway with a swaggerwish gate, Ver says to himself internally, hopefully the kid's good and didn't get into any trouble! And actually, got some food because I'm starving right now!

Almost reaching the steps to head down to the main floor, walking up with four decently sized boxes in his hands coming up the steps. Stopping in his tracks Ver says with an elated face expression, kid what's up your alright! Coming up the last step Pap says in a gumpy tone, of course I'm alright Mr. Ver! I was just out getting us some vittles to eat after beating Poza! Rushing over out stretching both arms, Ver says, let me help you and let's head back to the room!

2 minutes later

Twisting the knob to their room, Ver says while holding two boxes of food as he casually steps through the door, alright partners time to dig in! It's meal time!

End of Chapter 87