Let's Barge In!

Chapter 92 Let's Barge In!

Standing in front of a large titanium double door, two guards stand watch and conversate. Seeing something coming toward them in the distance, one of the Tevia city guards says with a long orange and blue beard standing on the left side of the door, hey you see that? Turning his head forward toward the people coming into view, the right guard says with two big nose piercing studs on the bridge of his nose, yeah, I do! It looks like three people are coming this way! With his assumption correct, the three people from a distance come into view revealing themselves to be, Pap, Ver, And Rint our outlaw gunslingers.

Walking in front leading the trio, Ver swaggerishly walks up to the two guards and says in a nice buddy buddy tone, hey their fellas! Quick question! Is a kid by the name of T-Mo inside this massive building behind you? Glaring at him because he is on private property, the guard with the orange and blue beard says in a leery tone of voice, maybe. But I have a question for you strange man! Who the fuck are you? And the two behind you?

Smiling like a sneaky fox, taking off his sunglasses revealing his bright red eyes, Ver says, were the mother fuckers that are going to get some answers from your boss T-Mo about Zorga the demon and then kill him! Pulling out a gun with the quickness, pointing it at Ver, the pierced nose guard says with an enraged tone, fuck you! You blue and red haired fu- Blam! Shooting the man in the face with his gold metallic hand Rint says in a blunt and irritated tone, let's just barge in already and get this done! Stunned at seeing his fellow guard killed right in front of him, the orange and blue bearded guard says in a trembling and fearful for his life tone, please don't kill me! you can go right on in!

End of Chapter 92