Teco Vs Diya!

Chapter 103 Teco Vs Diya!

Vice Lords Hideout: Training Space

Having a good old-fashioned cowboy stare off, pulling out his pistol with the speed of a cheetah, seeping a little gunergy in his gun, Teco let's off a quick handed five shots. Still standing in his same position, seeing the bullets zooming towards him, Diya skips around dodging only four of the high-speed projectiles, after evading the last one, in an instant appearing right behind him, looking like a lion ready to attack it's prey. Teco says in a cool but blood thirsty tone, the lion's ready to feast scarf boy! Throwing a strike at Diya after making his outlandish comment, sensing the blow at the last second, Diya bends down and avoids the head splitting attack, still crouched Diya reflexively kicks his right leg back to trip up Teco, skilled as well, seeing the strategic move, Teco immediately jumps up slightly, hovering in the air in that split second, pointing his gun at Diya's leg, Teco fires a shot without delay.

By the skin of his teeth Diya rolls super-fast over to the left making the bullet miss, popping up off the ground, creating some distance between him and Teco, sweating a little as he keeps his eyes glued on Teco, Diya says in his mind, ok this is tedious. No wonder when he asked me to battle him I thought he was bluffing trying to act all macho. Only because I couldn't sense his gunergy at that time. But right now I feel his gunergy growing.

Casually walking toward Diya with his orange and yellow gunergy starting to ooze off his body, grinning with a childlike devilish smile etched on his face, Teco says with intense and intrigued eyes, your a slippery one! But enough of this interpretive dance shit and let's really cut a rug!

End of Chapter 103