It Was Nice Playing With ya!

Chapter 114 It was Nice Playing With ya!

T-Mo's Spherical Tower: T-Mo's Room

Sitting on a bloody and defeated T-Mo's back with his pistol pointed down at his head, Ver says as his gunergy aura slowly dissipates, start talking kid. I need the next location to one of your buddies. With his eyes squinted and foggy from the blood loss coming from his legs, T-Mo says in a tired and pissed off tone, fucking fine! I'll tell your old ass! But even if you kill me! Your ass and the crew you came with, won't even make it to Zorga! Trust on that! Leering his gaze down with a patronizing face at T-Mo, Ver says with a vainglorious tone escaping his voice, will see about that! But enough stalling kid! Reveal to me the next location of the next deadly gun! Looking off into space as his face presses down on the cracky and bloody floor, T-Mo says, Yeah! Yeah! I know. Let me make this short and straight to the point, the next deadly gunman is a man named Crisga Jamon. And for that guy good luck trying to find him. He kinda likes to wander around since he controls like three territories.

With his expression going from cocky to casual, using his left free hand Ver smacks T-Mo in one his mangled legs and says, give me a main stay of where he frequents often. Wincing in pain after Ver maliciously hit one of his injured legs, T-Mo says in a hurt type of tone, god dammit alright! All I know is and this is the truth. But I've heard from the other members that his go to territory that he fancies most is the second one. I heard he likes to take naps at that location because it has lush jungles or some weird shit like that.

Clicking the back of his gun, with the barrel pointed at T-Mo's right eye, Ver says, what's the name of the second location? And don't say you fucking forgot or you don't fucking know because I know you do T-Mo boy. Leaking more and more like a river out of his body by the second, the blood from T-Mo's legs beings to spread out little by little, opening his mouth to respond with his last words to Ver, T-Mo says, his second location is called Nosuba Jungle Island and it's far away south from here and you can only get there by boat. Firing a shot into T-Mo's eye without letting out a single word, standing up leisurely from the boy's dead carcass, Ver says in a calm and nonchalant manner, thanks for the info kid. And I have to admit it once more, you were strong for your age and it was fun playing with ya.

End of Chapter 114