
Chapter 130 Simple!

Tao Village Harbor: A Random Diner

Gobbling away at a burger clasped tightly in his hands as he takes bite after bite, glancing over at him with a surprised and awkward looking face as he watches Ver put away the calories, Pap says, wowzers Mr. Ver, you sure were hungry. Staring at Ver as well but with a look of disgust on his face as he lifts his fork up with his right hand with a piece of potato at the tip of it, Rint says, you would think, you would be the one to shovel all this food down Pap. But instead, it's this gluttonous bastard here.

Gulping down a huge wad of food down his throat, once down, reaching his left hand over to grab his Carmel and chocolate milk shake, putting his greasy lips around the straw, Ver begins to suck in a good quarter of the long glass. Stopping for a brief moment to let out a delightful sigh after inhaling the sweet and tasty beverage, Ver says with a satisfied expression on his face, man that food was delicious! Now I think it might be time for some dessert and then I'll be good for the rest of the night!

Gazing at Ver with crazy and astonished looking sight viewers, Pap says with a baffled and overexaggerated tone, DESSERT! You want dessert after eating all those burgers you ordered Mr. Ver sir?!! Wiping his mouth with a light faint green napkin, Ver says with a nonchalant voice, yeah why not! I only had like 9 burgers and like 5 servings of fries. And besides I still got room left in the tank, and the tank wants some dessert!

Chewing the rest of his food in his mouth as he gazes over at Ver, Rint says, well Mr. Tank, before you go ahead and order dessert for yourself, let's talk about our boat situation. Peering down as he scans his eyes through a dessert menu, commenting back with an easy-going tone, Ver says, easy answer to that my golden hand stern looking chap! We just need to head to one of these docks around these fair streets and ask if we can take a boat! Simple enough right!

End of Chapter 130